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Megatron was surprised where he is. He was in Kaon's biggest arena, not as a fighter but as a visitor. In the arena some lion like monsters fought against each other, he cheered for them until he saw very familiar figure. ,,And now, to feed the creatures" yelled. He looked closer and saw himself sitting on the throne, scars on his face but most importantly purple eyes. He looked around and saw two vihecons dragging someone in the area, the bot was small, with a thin frame and broken wings cowerd in energon. They just dumped him inside and left, monsters are growling and hissing, they want food but also the order. He looked at the bot better, a red decepticon simbol, it's Starscream. He looked terrible, wings sre ripped off, deep scars on his body and he's cowered in energon. Megatron tryed running to him but he was trapped, his arms didn't even flinch and he can just watch it silence. Starscream lifted his head to look at Megatron's eyes and then he saw the real horror. He's voice box was damaged and sparks flew out of it, half of his face is burnt and most important, he's missing an eye. "I'm honestly surprised my second in command" said Megatron while standing up from his throne ,, You survived the beating that killed even Soundwave and Shockwave's experiment so I'm honestly impressed". Megatron looked at himself, he didn't understand what is happening. ,, Well since you always plotted against me let's see how long will you last in my domain" Other Megatron continued while sitting back on his throne,, Monster, main course is served". As soon as he said that monsters charged at Starscream. Everyone cheered for them, Starscream is fighting for his life and he was sitting on his throne smiling. Meanwhile one monster grabbed Starscream's arm but he immideatly scratched him in the eye causing him to back up, after that he manages to transform his gun and fired in his eye again. Monster is crying in pain, other one jumped to attack but Starscream shoot him in his spark immediately. It died on the spot and everyone cheered louder, other monster had enough and bit him in the leg and tore it down. Commander screamed in pain, he's not unable to move fast and needs to be quick. As soon as monster open his mouth to grab his arm he shot it on the head. Megatron couldn't believe it, he won. ,, I'm really impressed commander" said Megatron while jumping in the arena" you handled monsters better than the others". Starscream coughed energon and looked at him, eyes filled with pain and despair. At that moment Megatron drew his blade and grabbed Starscream's neck. ,, You are really good at this commander " he whispered to him while lifting his blade up ,, Too bad you are not gonna be here anymore". As soon as blade came close to his spark Megatron woke up, he was gasping for air and shaking uncontrollably. He looked around and saw Starscream sleeping in the bed hugging him. ,,I-it's fine" he said,, It's just a dream". He closed his eyes to go back to sleep but the scene of his lover's death constantly get back. ,, it's just a dream " he said while getting out of bed. ,, It's just a dream" he repeated while sitting down in the kitchen. He closed his eyes again but same scene is seen. ,, It's just a dream, it's just a dream " he repeated. He is shaking, his arms holding his head and legs trembling. He started gasping for air, breath became shorter and faster, eyes wide and vision blurry. ,, It's just a dream, it's just a dream, it's just a dream". He was sitting like that for hours until he herd loud banging. He snapped back and looked around, the whole cabinet full of the kitchen stuff fell down. Megatron looked at it, Starscream did tell him to clean it up but he said to do it later. He stood up to clan it, he kneeled down, arms are still shaking and vision is still a bit blurry. He tried putting it away but it feels down again. He couldn't handle it now, he just sat down leaning against the kitchen sink. He looked at the celling, he wanted to say something but he just squeald sadly, he wanted to say something but no words is coming out, he just squeald like a wounded dog. He closed his eyes and same dream came to him again, the fight, wounds and pain everything. He opened them again and tears started flowing down, he buried his head down in his knees and started crying. He cried desperately, sobbing like never before and just standing there like a broken tool no one wanted. He just cried desperately hoping that someone will come to just do something but even he knew that in this situation he was completely alone.

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