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I was in my bedroom just chilling and looking through instagram. Im home alone right now as my parents are on a business trip. Well.. i mean the maid is home but i dont know her that much since shes new. And besides my parents are never home and i barely get to see them. I dont like that they have a business. Why cant they just have a normal job like working at a bakery?
But i still do have to be grateful that everything they do is because of me. So that i have a good life. But i just miss them. And im home like all the time. Sometimes i go out with my friends but i still miss my parents.

I dont really talk to my parents, just maybe sometimes face timing them and talking about modeling to them and how i want to be a model. My parents said to follow my dreams and thats what i did. I applied to many modeling agencies and im just waiting for them to answer. If im being honest there aren't many modeling opportunities here in Italy. Ugh, i just miss Colombia, i dont understand why we had to move just because my mom wanted to work here and not there. She could had, had her business there as well. All my cousins are in Colombia and i miss them more and more everyday. And especially Filly. My favorite cousin. Even tho i love all of my cousins and family members, i love filly more than any of them. He's the best and he's always been there for me. Well.. until he left for London. Because he wanted to be a YouTuber and meet new people. And lucky for him he did. He has a lot of friends and they make youtube videos together and stuff. I sometimes watch them but not that much. I think him and his friends are funny. Especially that one short guy.. i think his name was Aj or something but they all call him for triangle.

I was still scrolling through my phone when i heard a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I say

"Hi miss Talia, im sorry if im disturbing you but someone is here for you at the gate, he says he's your cousin"

Wait. Wtf. Could it be filly??? Omg if it is i will be so happy. But i doubt it its him. He literally has forgotten about me. But like if it is him.. speak of the devil..

"No.. you're not disturbing but did he say his name?"

"His name was i think fil-" before she could continue i jumped up from my bed and ran to the front door to the house and ran outside to quickly open the gate.


"Talia its me!! The maid didn't open it!!"


When the gate opened like a very tiny bit i managed to get out and hug filly tightly.

"Filly!!!!" I say hugging him tightly

"Talia i missed you!!"

We hugged for a moment and then let go.

"Filly how did you know where i was??!!" I asked him in confusion

"I called your mom and she told me, i told her i wanted to surprise you!" He says smiling

"Well it was the best surprise and besides i was just thinking about you!! And when the maid said you were here i literally ran out!!"

He looks down at my feet and.. i dont have shoes on. Well yeah, at least he knows im not lying

"Yeah i definitely can see that" We both laugh and i help him with his suitcase

"Well you live in a beautiful mansion" He says looking around the garden and the cars

"Might be a beautiful home but i am always alone!"

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