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Qatar trip pt 2

I woke up today at 9:34 am. I was still tired and my legs.. well yeah they were hurting and i couldn't move them so much. But i saw that Kenny wasn't next to me in bed. He wasn't even there. Well maybe he is in the bathroom or so.

I check my phone as i always do every morning. I checked instagram and nothing so knew just a lot of people who have send friend requests and they all come from kennys instagram.

After a while of being on the phone i slowly get up and go to the bathroom. And for my surprise Kenny wasn't there. Okay but where is this man. Where did he go.

Anyways i let that go and go to the bathroom to take a shower.
After i was done i wrapped the towel around my body and head out the bathroom to get dressed.
And Kenny was still not back. Well i dont know where he is but im gonna message him after i put clothes on.

I put on a white crop top and beige pants with a dark blue Louis Vuitton jacket. Not a winter jacket like a summer jacket.

After that i grabbed my phone and messaged Kenny.

Kenny ❤️

kenny where are u??


kenny seriously where are u

why are u ignoring me??


Is he for real right now? Why isn't he answering me?? I dont know where he is and what to do and he's not answering. Im gonna call him. He better answer or i will not answer him when he calls or texts.

It rang then.. nothing. Did not answer. Now what is going on. If he doesn't answer right now im gonna be mad at him.

I call him again and.. nothing. Wtf is going on?? Why is this man not answering. But most importantly where is he?

I should call Niko. He might know where he is.

I called Niko two times and nothing. Now there's definitely something going on. If Niko didn't answer then they are somewhere and they are purposely not answering me. But im still gonna try. Im gonna try calling Sharky now. And if he doesn't answer then ima start asking the workers here.

I called Sharky and he answered.

Sharky 🦈

Talia: hey sharky!
Sharky: hey tals whats up
Talia: well first of all how are you?
Shary: im good u?
Talia: good..
Talia: soo i wanted to ask if you know were Kenny is? Cause he isn't answering my calls or texts
Sharky: oh kenny.. i dont know.. im actually filming a video right now
Talia: okay but where are you?
Sharky: the stadium we were at yesterday
Talia: and whose with you?
Sharky: Aj, Chunkz, Ylias, Harry..
Talia: so Kenny and Niko are together?
Sharky: tals im so sorry but i gotta go now the video is starting but i dont know anything
Talia: but wai-

Sharky hung up the phone before Talia could say something else. Now this is suspicious. I gotta go investigate. Need to find where these idiots really are.

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