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Today is the day of the photoshoot. If the director likes the photos i will be their new model. Im a little nervous but im gonna be good i know it. Me and Kenny have been hanging out in secret lately and he has made me feel better about the photoshoot.

Im getting ready right now well just doing my skincare and no makeup cause they are gonna do my makeup when im at the studio. And i just put on some black joggers with a tight black t-shirt.
Im gonna be wearing their clothes anyways so i might just stay comfortable.

Im all done now, just need my bag. I grab my bag and go downstairs. Filly is driving me to the studio cause i dont know how to drive here.

"You ready?" Filly asked

"Yeah" I say

"No need to be nervous they are definitely gonna make you their model" Filly said

"I hope so" I say

"Come on lets go and not be late" Filly said

We headed outside and Filly locked the doors. We get in the car and Filly starts driving.

Half of the  ride we just talked about random stuff and that the photoshoot will go good.
I even got a message from Kenny saying it will go good.

                                  Kenny ❤️

Kenny ❤️
hey taliiii

Kenny ❤️
jus wishing u a good luck today 😘

thank u ken !! Love u ❤️❤️

Kenny ❤️
dont be nervous tho it will go good i promise

Kenny ❤️
and if the director doesn't like it ima beat him up

ur to funny and thats why i love u

Kenny ❤️
i wish u here with me at camp 🥲

i will come tmr i promise

Kenny ❤️
i miss our cuddles

boy go back to training so u dont lose 😂

Kenny ❤️
i dont need training i never lose

is that so 🤨

Kenny ❤️
ur coming to the fight right?

ofc i am

Kenny ❤️
ur coming with me two days early

but wont the boys suspect that something is going on?

Kenny ❤️
they are five year olds they wont

ok then im coming😘😘

Kenny ❤️
i need to go now

Kenny ❤️
love u taliii

Te amooooo 🥹❤️

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