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Me and Kenny are at the airport right now waiting for our flight. We are going to America for Kennys match and my birthday. Kenny has been training a lot these two weeks but im glad i have been able to be with him. We spend a lot of time together while Kenny was training, it has been a lot of fun seing Kenny more often. And his friends when he invited me over.
Still no one knows that we are dating, but i know Filly and the boys have suspected something. But me and Kenny are planning on surprising them that we are together by a kiss. Basically when we're gonna be at my birthday party me and Kenny are gonna kiss and they will know. It's that easy. And i told Filly that Kenny invited me to come with him early, i mean what was i supposed to say that was all i came up with to tell him.

Me and Kenny have been at the airport since 03:00 am. I am really tired. But good thing that im resting my head on Kennys shoulder.

We're at the vip lounge right now, technically the first class lounge. Kennys team booked first class tickets for us.

Our flight leaves at 07:30. And it's only 05:30. Like dude im tired i want to sleep.
I dont understand how Kenny has all this energy. He's literally watching tik tok right now. And i just want to sleep.

"Talia go ahead and sleep" Kenny says

"Hm?" Talia says

"You look very tired just sleep on my shoulder" Kenny says

Talia wraps her arms around Kennys arm and closes her eyes. She fell asleep right away.

Meanwhile Kenny has to stay awake for any new news about the flight or gate number. He just watches Talia sleep and think about how beautiful she is and how lucky he is to call her my girl.

After sleeping for like 20 minutes Talia woke up. She couldn't sleep that much cause it was uncomfortable.

"looks like someones awake" Kenny said

"That was the worst sleep of my life" Talia says

"It was only 20 minutes" Kenny said

"I know, but like i wanna do something so i dont just sit here" Talia says

"Well wanna go around the mall?" Kenny said

"You know what yes, lets go shopping just to keep us occupied" Talia said getting up from the couch and handing her hand out to Kenny to hold

Kenny holds Talias hand and gets up. They leave the vip lounge area and go into the mall. Talia and Kenny just look around. Kenny bought a kinder bar for Talia cause she was craving something sweet. Like honestly that girl was sleepy and now she wants sweets. I dont even get her.

"Think we have to go back now" Kenny says

"What time is it?" Talia asked

"Its 06:35" Kenny says

"Okay" Talia says

They were back now at the vip lounge and got their stuff that they had left there and went to the gate. Their group number was called first cause it was first class.

They got to their seat and it was fancy, like really fancy. It was all a gold color. So pretty.

Talia fell asleep right away when they got in the plane. She was really tired and so was Kenny. They both didn't even care about the champagne that they were offered. Now who tf drinks champagne in 7 in the morning Kenny thought. But it was nice of the flight attendants that they asked. The whole flight the flight attendants were nice.


Finally we have arrived. The flight was amazing but the hours were too long. But honestly it wasn't that bad cause i had someone to talk to. I had Kenny.

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