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at hotel.

Qatar trip pt 1

(Guys i changed my mind they are not going to Bahamas they goin Qatarrrrrr)

I woke up to the sun in my eyes. Yesterday was a long day. We got here in Qatar late at night i think so, i was too tired to even know what the time was by that time. But now im just happy im in Qatar. It's so hot here but very pretty as well.

I look over to my left to see Kenny still sleeping. He looked cute while sleeping. He always does.

But i got up slowly and went to the bathroom trying not to wake Kenny up. I washed my face with my face wash then did my usual skincare routine. I then got out the bathroom to see Kenny awake and sitting on the bed looking at his phone.

"Theres my everything" Kenny said looking up with a smile

My everything....

Talia thought.

Talia smiled and went to bed next to Kenny and hugged him in sitting position. Kenny hugged her back tightly then let go. He kissed her on the lips and for some reason Talia was in a VERY good mood today that she kissed him back and didn't want to stop.

She then slowly came much closer to Kenny and sitting on his lap facing him.

Kenny kissed Talia more and more having his hands on her waist.

They made out for a while then stopped cause they needed to go eat breakfast with the other guys.

Kenny got ready quick and Talia changed into a white half crop top with a blue jacket and blue pants that were both silk and had some little designs on it. Kenny put on a white t-shirt and black shorts a casual look.

Talia did her makeup naturally and now they were both done and ready to go eat with the others.

Kenny and Talia held hands as they were walking to the restaurant downstairs at the lobby.

When they arrived at the restaurant they went to the buffet and got what they wanted them to where the others were sitting.

"Hey guys" Talia said sitting down and Kenny next to her

"Why are you lots late" Chunkz said

"I wanna look nice thats why" Talia said

"or you guys had fun'' Aj said looking at us

''bro shut the fuck up'' Kenny said

''You guys eat up we are going to the stadium were the world cup was" Chunkz said

"We filming a video.. Talia wanna be in it?" Aj says

"Nah its okay maybe next time" Talia said

"What are we doing for video?" Kenny asked

"Hide n seek in the stadium" Aj says

"Im winning for sure" Niko said

"No im gonna win" Sharky said while eating

"How long will it take?" Kenny asked

"I dont know like a hour or so?" Aj says

"Okay good" Kenny responds

"Why you have something else planned" Chunkz said

"Yeah with Talia" Kenny says

"We do!?!?" Talia says

"Its a surprise" Kenny says

"Kenny gonna propose" Niko said joking

"Maybe" Kenny says

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