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Kenny pov:

Im sitting in Talias hospital room right now and just looking at her as shes sleeping in the bed. Last night was absolutely crazy and everyone kept yelling when she passed out. But when she did pass out she fell into my arms. The last thing she said was that she wasn't feeling good and i knew right away that she was gonna pass out.

We took her to the hospital as fast as we could when she passed out and luckily we had got there in time. And.. what i mean by that is that she had lost a lot of blood. And she could have died..
But thankfully she didn't. We came in time and now shes okay but shes still not awake from yesterday.

The worst thing was when we called Filly and told him what had happened and he went crazy. Like literally wild and just so mad. He even blamed it some on me that i didn't take her with me when i saw her with that girl that she was smoking with. I wish i had not let go of her arms and just dragged her back with me so all of this didn't happen. I blame myself for this. It was my fault i should have not just walked away.
And when Filly called her parents and told them what happened her mom literally had a panic attack and both of them hopped on a plane and came here as fast as they could. And they arrived here just this morning around 8:00 am.

Oh and let's not forget that everyone slept here at the hospital and that im with her parents right now just sitting here and looking at Talia praying that she wakes up.

But one thing i hate the most was that she saw Madison. It was so wrong. But it's not my fault she was there. When we went home from Qatar she decided to come back to the Beta house with us all uninvited. Talia must have thought  so wrong when she saw Madison. I didn't even invite her! Not even to Qatar!! She saw on my instagram stories and then she saw that i was at the race and came to me. I wish i could have a chance and explain all of this shit that Madison did.

I decided to go out the room and see what the others are doing. They're all outside right now and they cant come in because doctors said it cant be too crowded. As i walked out i saw all of sitting there and they all looked up at me. Filly stood up and asked "Is she awake!!?" I looked at him and said "no.."

"Im going in" Filly said going in the room

I sat in Fillys seat and just looked at the guys.
I know that they are disappointed in me but they dont even know the truth.

"Kenny" Chunkz said who sat in front of me

"Hm?" I said looking up

"Care to explain why Madison came out of nowhere?" Chunkz said

I looked at him and then started telling all of them the truth. That i had nothing to do with Madison coming to Qatar. I even told them how in the morning she called me and i got super angry. And when i turned around i saw Talia awake. I didn't know how long she was awake or if she heard anything but she didn't ask me about it.

When i was done telling them they just said random things.

"You know i didn't know that this rigged kenny over here could pull pietza girl" Aj said

"Aj shut up" Chunkz said annoyed

"What!? I didn't think he could actually get her to be with him" Aj said

"Guys remember how mad kenny got when me and Talia flirted at the restaurant to make him jealous" Sharky said

"Yeah we never going back to that restaurant again" Niko said

"Okay can you guys not!!?" I said

"Talia literally almost died yesterday and you guys are talking about this?? You know what if she doesn't wake up now??" I say

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