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I woke up and realized im not where i am supposed to be. Im in someone else's bed. I sit up and look to my right. Oh it's him. Kenny. Wait so i slept next to him? But why?
Ohhhhh the movie last night, that explains i fell asleep on his shoulder. But let's just talk about how cute Kenny looks while sleeping. And he has no shirt on.. only shorts. And im in my clothes from yesterday.

I was about to get up when i fell back down to the bed. Kenny pulled me back and grabbed me by my waist to pull me closer to him.

"Where you goin" Kenny said in his morning voice

Damnnnnn that voice is so hooooooot

"First of all, how did i end up in your bed" I ask

"I carried you up here, was that not the right thing to do?" Kenny said smiling

"I could have slept on the couch you know.." I say

"How can i let you sleep on the couch when you can sleep next to me? Wich one would you choose" Kenny said

"You..." Talia said

"Exactly" Kenny said

"No but Kenny let me get up, i have to let Filly know im here" Talia said

"Fineeee" Kenny said letting Talia go slowly

I got up from the bed and going out the room closing the door. I go downstairs and hear the tv being on. I went to the living room and i saw Sharky

"Oh hey Sharky" I say

"Hey Talia" He says with a smile

I go over to the couch and take my phone and sit down. I let Filly now that he was here and he said okay.

"Soo how did you sleep last night.. i saw you weren't on the couch.." Sharky says looking through netflix

"I know what your thinking, and yes i slept good" Talia said

"It was good huh" Sharky says looking at Talia

"Oh shut up its not like we did something" Talia said

"Thats a lie" Sharky says

"What? No?" Talia says

"You guys kissed, dont think we dont know that" Sharky said smiling

"He told you guys.." Talia said


"He said it was a mistake.. and how he was seing someone else.." Talia says feeling sad

Cause she likes Kenny, she likes him as his best friend and something a little more..

"Really? He told us he was doing the right thing" Sharky says putting the controller down and coming to the side i was sitting on

"Tell me, what did he say?" Sharky asked

"He said he only wanted to be friends.. and that everything was a mistake.." Talia said

"Talia he said that he wanted it tho.." Sharky said

"Wanted what?" Talia asked in confusion

"He said he wanted the kiss, and that it was the right thing to do" Sharky said

"What do you mean? He literally told me that it was a mistake he made and that he wanted to be with the person he was seing, and i told him that the only mistake was that i met him" Talia said

"Mhm then what happened?"

"He called me a few days later saying if we were good, and i felt bad and said i forgive him and everything is good between us.."

Your Eyes ~ KING KENNY Where stories live. Discover now