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I woke up as the sun was in my eyes. I had a good sleep on this bed. Definitely need this exact mattress in Italy. I took my phone from the bedside table and checked the time. It was 9:55 am. I should probably get ready because im going to the Beta House.

I get up from the bed, going to the bathroom. I wash my face and do my skincare and brush my teeth. Then i take out my makeup bag and start doing my makeup. I did a light makeup look today, just concealer, cream bronzer, loose powder, blush, mascara and lip balm. It looked very natural just what i wanted.

I then open up one of my luggages taking out a pair of wide jeans, not too wide. And then a black tank top cause it was hot outside and i did not want to sweat. I also put deodorant on and perfume. I put on the YSL perfume. And let's not forget jewelry! I took out a bag that had all of my jewelry in it. I decided to put on a necklace that said "Talia" on it. And just a pair of gold earrings to match with my necklace.

After i was done getting ready i went downstairs to the kitchen as i heard noises from there.
It was Filly sitting and talking with a guy. I didn't know who it is tho.

"Oh hey Talia, howd u sleep?" Filly asked

"Good how bout you?" I ask back

"Good" Filly says

"Oh by the way this is darkest, Chunkz cousin also" Filly says

"Nice to meet you darkest" I say with a smile

"Nice to meet you too" He says

Filly had made me breakfast and for him as well so i just ate what he made. Me, Filly and Darkest all talked and i got to know Darkest better and he is actually super nice and funny.

After breakfast we all went to the living room and talked and also played Fifa. I had never played it before but i of course know what it is. Surprisingly i actually liked the game and wanted to play more but it was getting time to leave to the Beta house.

"Filly im going out" I say

"Where?" Filly says

"Just gonna hang with Kenny and the boys" I say

"Oh okay!" Filly says

"Actually i literally need to go now so byee" I say getting up and taking my phone with me

"How you gonna get there" Filly says

"Ohh... i actually dont know" I say

"Let me text Kenny" I say


I was sitting in the living room waiting for Talia to come. I was excited she was coming over. I dont know why but i was. I have invited many girls over but i just dont know why i feel excited that shes coming.

I then got a text from Talia. I also realized i hadn't changed the contact number. So i went ahead and did that.

So it now was "Taliii 😍"

Taliii 😍
Kenny is it ok if u pick me up?

yeah sure are you staying at fillys?

Taliii 😍
Yeah im at his

okay then im coming now x

Taliii 😍
okay thank uuuu


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