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Qatar trip pt 3
(last part)

I woke up today to the sound of Kenny talking to someone over the phone. He didn't sound happy.
He sounds mad. But who was he talking to? I dont know. I just heard "leave me alone" was it someone annoying him? Well probably. But who? I dont know who.

He didn't say anything else and hung up the phone. He turned around looking pissed off until he saw me and that i was awake. His facial expression changed and a smiled appeared on his face. I smile back at him as he's coming to the bed.

"Morning" He said with a smile kissing Talia on the lips

"Morninggg" Talia said

"Your happy today" Kenny said

"When am i not happy?" Talia said

"I actually dont know" Kenny said

Talia just smiled at him admiring his soft brown eyes. Those eyes always made her fall in love with Kenny more. It was always his eyes. Kennys eyes staring into her eyes like "that" just made her fall in love a looot more.

"We need to get ready you know, i would love to stare into your eyes all day but i cant" Kenny said

"One more kiss and I'll get up" Talia said

Kenny kissed her one more time on the lips but Talia wouldn't let go until she decided to let go.

Talia got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face and get ready.
Kenny just took a shower and put clothes on. The rest of the time he spent time watching Talia get ready. As Talia was doing her makeup and in her pajamas still not have gotten to put something else on Kenny went out the bathroom and went to his suitcase and took a box out. Talia took a glance at what Kenny was holding in his hand as he walked back into the bathroom.

"Whats that" Talia asked looking at him through the mirror

Kenny just smiled and opened the box and said nothing. He took something out of the box and put it on the bathroom counter.

Then suddenly a diamond necklace was put on Talias neck.

Oh my god. The K necklace that Talia lost but it was in diamonds.
Talia was in shock as Kenny put the necklace around her neck.

"Like it" Kenny said

"Kenny was this the reason you were at the mall?" Talia asked looking at him

"Maybe.." Kenny said wrapping his arms around Talias waist and put his jaw on her shoulder.

"I love it!" Talia said

"I know you do" Kenny said kissing her cheek

"But really Kenny you shouldn't have spent money on me.." Talia said

"Whaaat? Money? I dont care how much i spend on you i dont worry about that" Kenny said

"Wait a second.. is this Tiffany and Co?" Talia asked touching the necklace

"Yes and it's custom made just for you" Kenny said

"It's very expensive tho.. you shouldn't have" Talia said

"It reminded me of you actually, diamonds remind me of you for some reason" Kenny said

"And dont think about hoe much i spent it's nothing to worry about" Kenny said kissing her cheek one more time

"I love you a lot. You do know that right" Talia said turning around facing him

"Just looking at your eyes i know how much you do" Kenny said kissing her on the lips

Your Eyes ~ KING KENNY Where stories live. Discover now