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1 Month later

It's now August. The past month  have been the greatest of all time. The best month  in my life. Me and Kenny have been going out together a lot and i have been at almost shoot he has done with the Beta Squad. But i wasn't in the videos. Me and Kenny get more and more closer everyday, we hang out almost everyday as well, well only if Kenny can cause sometimes he says he has other stuff to do or something. But Kenny has been also at my shoots. Since the director liked my photos and chose me to be the face of their brand Kenny has been coming to my shoots.

Recently me and Kenny decided to take a little vacation together to the Bahamas. And of course with the rest of the boys as well. Filly cant come cause he is recording his music video and stuff. Honestly it's just me and the guys.

Im packing right now. I have packed a lot of outfits and bikinis. Im still not done packing, my bag will probably be over the limit of kg but it's okay i can pay. I have to take pictures in good outfits. The money comes back but the memories don't.

As i was packing i heard a knock on my door. I thought it was Filly so i just let him come in.

"Come in" I say

The door opened and i felt warm arms rap around my waist. Well it wasn't Filly after all. It was Kenny.

"Oh my god i thought it was Filly!" I say turning my head around

I forgot that Kenny was picking me up today because i was gonna sleep at his tonight so we dont have to drive here to pick me up then go to the airport.

"No its your King" Kenny said kissing my cheek

"Are you still not done packing?!" Kenny says letting go and laying on the bed

"This is only my first bag.. i haven't packed the second one" I say

"You know were only staying for a week" Kenny says

"A week is like a month for us girls" I say

"Okay well im gonna be here while you pack" Kenny says going on his phone

"Okay" I say and continue to pack

A while later i finish packing but im looking for a necklace that Kenny bought me. I dont know where it is but it's a very important necklace. It has a "K" on it for Kenny. He got it for me when me and him were at the mall one day.

God i really cant find it! Im looking everywhere! Where could it be? I know i didn't pack it or its with the other jewelry that i have cause it came with a box.

"My god!" I say

"Huh?" Kenny says confused

"I cant find the K necklace that you bought me" I say

"Are you sure you didn't pack it?" Kenny says

"No i didn't and i put it back in its box every time i take it off" I say

"What about your other jewelry? It maybe with them or you just forgot to put it back in the box" Kenny says

"No i swear i always put it back in the box" I say

"Well its okay i can help you find it" Kenny says

"We need to find it its a special necklace from you" I say

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