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yungfilly, amelia_A and 2,738 others liked this photo

taliaaa: Night out.


user738: You look so beautiful
>taliaaa: Thank youuuu

yungfilly: Excuse me wheres me credit for taking the pictures
>taliaaa: shut up

filly_yang_77: who is this chick
>taliaaa: dont worry im his cousin lol

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Talia was now walking behind Filly as he was trying to find his friend Kenny at the club. Talia tried to keep up with him and not get lost. Well it's not like she has been to many clubs and if she gets lost she doesn't know what to do. Yeah..

"Filly!!!!" Someone yelled as Filly went up to him and bro hugged him

Talia couldn't see because there were many people in the crowd and she did not see Filly but at last she got through the crowd and saw Filly hugging a tall man with a durag and a beautiful smile.

"Talia this is Kenny!" Filly said

As Talia made her way she looked up again and saw Kenny staring at her

"Oh hey Kenny" Talia says

"Hey Talia" Kenny says looking at her up and down

"You guys wanna do shots?" Filly said

"It's so crowded here, isn't there like a vip section?" Talia says

"Come with me" Kenny says grabbing Talias hand and walking away

"Uh??" Filly rolled his eyes and followed them behind

Kenny took Talia to the vip section and they both sat next to each other at the couch.
Filly came to them and sat in front of them.

They all talked to each other and Filly was still talking about taking shots so he went and grabbed them from the bar.

"Okay heres the shots" Filly says giving us each a shot

"You ever done a shot before?" Kenny turned to Talia

"Actually no"

"First times always the best, i better film you" Filly says

"Do i look good?" Talia asked them

They both smiled and laughed

"Go for the shot now" Kenny says

"Okay im recording, just for memories" Filly says

"Do with me" Talia says to Kenny


Talia and Kenny looked at each other and did the shot at the same time.

"Wtf is this dude" Talia says in disgust

"Shes right wtf is this? What type is this??" Kenny says

"You ruined my first shot fills, what is this disgusting taste"

"What i like that type!"

"Fuck that im going to get something else" Talia stands up and walks away

"Go with her" Filly says looking at Kenny


Talia and Kenny were at the bar ordering drinks, Talia was just ordering random drinks not knowing wich one is good.

"Wtf was that seriously!?"

"That was disgusting, the worst drink i have ever had" Kenny says

They both laugh and just talked with each other and got their drinks. Talia bearly drank any of the drinks she ordered. But Kenny did. He had drank before and drinks now, so it's normal for him.

"So Kenny what do you do?" Talia asked smiling

"Well, i do youtube and i am a boxer" Kenny said looking at her

"Boxer? Thats cool"

"You should come to one of my matches" Kenny said

"I would but if Fillys coming, cause i dont really know you guys.."

"Yeah of course he can come"

"Okay, then im coming"

"Well what do you do Talia"

I love it when he said my name. It felt so calming and cute. I just loved it.

"Honestly i do nothing right now, but i have applied for modeling"

"So you're telling me you are not a model?? I literally thought you were one cause you look beautiful" Kenny said smiling

"Hopefully i will be a model and then you can come to my shows"

"Oh i would come to every single one of them"



Me and Filly went home after we spend some time at the club. And so did Kenny. I offered him to stay over at my place with me and Kenny but he didn't want to disturb me.

Im in my room right now taking off my makeup and looking through my phone. I saw that i had a new follower and it was Kenny. He asked for my insta and i gave him it.

Im done taking off my makeup and now washing my face. I rinse with cold water cause thats the best for my skin. I later put on toner, serum, eyepatches, moisturizer and just everything else. I have many skincare products that i use and i just dont remember any of the names.

I was done with my skincare and just brushed my teeth and went to bed. I was honestly tired, but today was the best day. Filly surprised me, we went out and i got to meet one of his nice friends.

I was about to put my phone down at the bedside table when i got a message request from someone on instagram. It was Kenny.

kingkennytv: Talia u awake?

taliaaa: yeah why?

kingkennytv: just wanna ask, u want to go out tmr??

taliaaa: yeah sure

kingkennytv: with Filly ofc

taliaaa: yeah sure, will tell him in the morning

kingkennytv: okay goodnight x

taliaaa: goodnight

wassup people, hope u liked this part, dont forget to like x ❤️❤️

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