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I have now just arrived at the airport. Im waiting for my bags to arrive and im just so tired. My eyes are swollen and red. Thankfully i had sunglasses in my bag that i put on so no one could see my eyes. I called Filly the second the plane landed and told him to just come to the airport and pick me up and I'll tell him what happened later.

My bags are now here and i take them from the thing that spinning i dont know what it's called.
I walk out the airport and it's raining. Of course.
But Fillys not here, i might just wait for him here.

As im waiting for Filly, i see that i have got a lot of calls and messages from everyone. Even Filly.
The guys must have told them or something.

Im looking down at my phone when i hear my name. I look up and it's Filly coming towards me.

"Talia!" Filly said coming over to me

"Filly" I say and hug him and he hugs me back

"Talia what happened? Why didn't you answer anyone?" Filly asked letting go

"I'll tell you in the car.. can we just go now" I say

"Okay come on" Filly says helping me with my bags

We walked to the car as it rained. The rain felt so good. I love when it's raining but if im in a bad mood i just hate everything around me.

Now we're in the car and Filly started driving and asking me what happened.

"So tell me, what happened" Filly said

I take a deep breath before telling him what had happened. Told him what happened before we went to Qatar and what happened yesterday. Tears fell down as i told Filly cause it hurt telling someone how someone you love a lot break you.
I even told him that i just ended things with Kenny like that. Without thinking about it or letting him explain i just ended it. Ended it all.

"Talia you could have told me.. you promised to tell me everything that would happen" Filly said

"I know but i didn't want to make Kenny look bad in your eyes.."

"Talia that doesn't matter, you could have still told me that he did this to you"

"I wish i never said that.."

"Said what?" Filly asked

"Said that were over.. i didn't even think about it and it just came out of me" I say

"Everything will be okay.. and why are you wearing sunglasses?" Filly asked

"You dont wanna see my eyes" I say looking down

"Talia take off your glasses now"

"No Filly i cant!"

"Take them off what happened to your eyes?"

"Filly i cant!"

"Talia take them off now"

I dont know if my eyes are still red and swollen. But i dont want to make Filly worried or something if i show him how bad my eyes are. Well its not my fault they get super red every time i cry.

But i take my sunglasses off slowly and i look at Filly and he was already looking at me. His eyes widened when he saw my eyes.

"Why are your eyes so red.." He asked

"Every time i cry it gets red"

"Talia did you take drugs or something?!?" Filly said

"What the fuck Filly!"

Your Eyes ~ KING KENNY Where stories live. Discover now