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"Why would you do that!" Chunkz said

"I dont know!! It just felt like the right thing to do!!" Kenny said

"You are a stupid idiot" Niko said

"So you just left without saying goodbye to her the next day? Thats so messed up!" Chunkz said

"The kiss was the right thing to do! But the next morning i didn't know what to do! I just left with Filly!" Kenny said

"Call her up now and apologize" Aj says

"No thats.. not the right time" Kenny said

"Oh so calling her up is not the right time but kissing her was the right time?" Chunkz said

"I will call her later! And apologize" Kenny said

"Dude if Filly finds out you kissed her he will go mad" Chunkz said


It's been a few days now since Kenny and Filly left. I honestly thought they would stay longer but because of youtube videos they have to do they had to leave. It was fun tho seing Filly again.
It was also fun meeting Kenny. But the way he left... without saying anything? Without a goodbye or i will text you when i get home? Without saying anything to me he left.
I feel like he didn't just care about what he did and left in the morning.

And Filly doesn't know. He doesn't know about the kiss.

I sometimes think that it was just a mistake. A mistake for Kenny. That he felt like it was a mistake kissing me. But i dont think it was a mistake. Cause i like Kenny. I really do.

But for now, i gotta keep my mind off of that. So i decided to go out. Out by myself to the mall.

I did a little shopping spree. Bought new clothes, sneakers, heels, jewelry and makeup. It was fun until i was done. I didn't know what to do, but i thought about Kenny all the time after the shopping.

Well, i guess it's better to head home now. I went to my car and got in. Before i could start driving my phone went off.
I took my phone out of my bag and saw it was Kenny. He had messaged me a lot. And it was by the sms app on apple iphone. How the fuck did he get my number? I didn't give him my number only my instagram.


talia its me, kenny

i wanted to apologize

why you not answering?

are u mad at me?

if u are, can we talk?

on ft??

kenny how did you get my number??

filly gave me

Ohh okay

well i wanted to apologize, i just left without saying anything, that was stupid of me, and i wanna know if everything between us is good?

I forgive you but why did you leave like that?

because talia the reason is ive been seing someone, and we kissed and now in italy i kissed you

So you're telling me you cheated on the other girl?

Yes and i wanted to tell you about it, and this was all a mistake kissing you was a mistake. Hopefully we forget it and be good friends?

Kenny meeting you was a mistake.

I put my phone back in my bag feeling horrible. I mean i didn't know he was seing someone and that he kissed her? But he never said she was his girlfriend. And i dont think this is my fault. I think Kenny is just running after girls, kissing them, then leaving them and making them feel played. Kenny has made himself look like that in my eyes. And he cant change that. He is running after different girls everyday than leaving them.

I dont know Kenny but he has made himself look like that. And it's not a good look on him.


After Talia texted that, i knew she didn't want to be just friends. I felt bad that i did that. It was wrong. I should have controlled myself and not done that. Cause what if she likes me now because of the kiss? And i dont know if i like her.... I mean she is beautiful and all... but.. i also like Madison. Madison is the girl I've been hanging out with a lot without the rest of Beta Squad knowing and my friends.

But i feel super bad now. Cause what if i like Talia more than Madison? Because i felt a connection when i kissed Talia. And i didn't feel a connection with Madison when i kissed her..

I even said to the guys (Chunkz, Aj and niko) that the kiss was the right thing to do. But clearly it was not. Or was it..

Nope. I cant do this. I need to tell Sharky as well. He might know something. Right? I mean girls are always in love with Sharky and he must know something about this. And of course what to do.

Hi people! This is a short chapter but hope you liked it! Btw Madison is new to the story and will be in the chapters that are coming up. ❤️❤️

Anyways Madison is played by Madison Beer.

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