December 16

26 3 0

Marcus' P.O.V.

I didn't even sleep well. I kept waking up, tossing and turning and I take my phone to check the time. 7 o'clock. Jason will need to get up soon.

I don't understand her. Everything was going well. We had a perfect date because I never saw her smiling, laughing and being happy that much like she was last night. I don't know what I did wrong. I read her body language and I thought she wanted to do it. It's alright we didn't, but her behaviour last night drove me insane. Did she really think I'd do something to her? Unbelievable. She was so weird and distant, scratching her wrists even when Jay came. Jay wanted to tell her how much fun he had at Darryl's and even Jermaine was there, but I highly doubt she even listened to him. My alarm goes off and I turn it off, getting up. I can't deal with Daisy today and I'll give my best to avoid her all day today. I think she's not ready for the conversation and if we try to talk and if I try to ask her what happened last night, she'll flip and I really don't need her anger issues today.

I open the door carefully, nudging Jay.

"Jason, wake up. You have school today.", I say and Daisy rubs her eyes.

"Hey, good morning."

"Morning. Come on, Jay."

"It's kindergarten, Uncle, not school."

"Okay, wizzkid, now up."

Daisy stretches getting up and I look at her.

"I have things to do. I'll take Jason today."


"I mean, you can go with us if you want, but I have things to do after I've taken Jason to the kindergarten."

"Alright, then I'll make breakfast for Jay. Do you want to have something?", she asks and I shake my head.

"Jason, come on, you'll be late."

Daisy alarm goes off and she turns it off.

As Jason finally gets up, I take him under the shower and he looks at me.

"Are you angry, Uncle?"

"No, champ, I'm not. Why?", I ask as I dry him and he shrugs. I help him dress up and he pouts because he wants to do it on his own.

"Yes, Jay, but we don't have time for that now."

"Here's cereal for little prince.", Daisy says and he hugs her.

"Do you need to use the bathroom?", I ask her and she shakes her head.


My tensed body relaxes under warm water, but my head is about to burst. So many unanswered questions and doubts are swarming my brain and it's so hard to ask Daisy anything. I don't even know how she would react if I asked her about last night.

As I dress up, I see she's back to her old habits. She stands on her small balcony, having a cigarette and a cup of coffee. What a meal.

I take a slice of cheese and butter my bread.

"Is Daisy alright?", Jay whispers and I nod.

"Yeah, she just has a headache. Eat faster, we have to go."

As he finally finishes his breakfast, I lace his shoes and he puts on a jacket.

Daisy appears, putting a beanie on his head.

"Good luck and have fun.", she tells Jay and he widens his eyes.

"You're not coming with us?"

"Not today, my love. I don't feel very well."

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