Chapter 19

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I immediately regretted coming out here. I should have stayed inside like the others had told me to.

He snarled at me and now a ring of werewolves had formed around us.

They were all strangers to me, people who I had never seen.

I took a step back, but was met with more snarling. There were wolves all around me and there was no way of me to escape.

I could turn into my wolf and try to run, but I knew they would all outnumber me.

The guy who had spoken to me about killing the first started walking closer towards me and I immediately started panicking. There was nothing I could do.

He lunged for me and out of instinct I raised my hands up and faces my plans towards him. I felt a strong pull, like something flowing out of me.

I forced myself to open my closed eyes, to see the guy who's name I still didn't know, flat on the floor a few feet away from me.

The first question that came into my head was, what element did I just use?

I knew I had the fire element, but this was certainly not the damage fire did.

The other wolves in the circle looked slightly terrified and started to back off.

The man on the floor stood up and shifted into his wolf form.

He must have said something to the rest of his rogue pack members, because all of a sudden they started retreating and running of deep into the woods near the palace.

I felt slightly dazed to what had just happened.

Apollo came running over towards me, looking very angry and I knew what was coming next.

"What the hell is wrong with you! Are you mad! They are after you and you run straight outside towards them!" He shouted, whilst red in the face.

"I...." I didn't finish off my sentence because Bellamy rushed over to my side.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. He honestly looked terrible. He had cuts on his faces and blood was slightly seeping thorough his shirt.

He didn't even wait for me to reply. He then decided to ask me, "did you use your elemental power? I could feel it through our bond."

"Yes I did." I admitted honestly.

"Why?" It finally clicked in his head. "You came out here? What were you thinking!" He said, full of rage.

"You were supposed to look after her!" He shouted, pointing towards Apollo accusingly.

"It's not my fault that she decides to run off! I'm not a damn babysitter!"

That was it, I finally had enough. They couldn't keep treating me like some pathetic, little kid who couldn't defend herself.

"Both of you be quiet! I'm not a bloody child so stop treating me like one. I don't need a babysitter or anyone to look after me, I'm a grown up girl."

They both quietened down immediately after my little outburst.

Bellamy took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt. Are you okay?" He said softly.

"Yea, I'm fine. You should get cleaned up." I said back.

"Where are mum and dad?" Apollo asked Bellamy.

"They have gone to do a perimeter check just encase some rogues are still here. They said to get cleaned up and meet them in the study." Bellamy answered.

"Okay. You know where the study is right?" Apollo asked looking at me.

I nodded and he then started to walk off in the direction of the palace.

"Come on. I think I am remember where our bedrooms are." Bell took my hand in his and started to walk inside. We walked inside together and into the elevator.

He pressed a button, but I spaced out not paying any attention.

We got off the elevator and I immediately recognised the corridor.

He opened the door to his room and we stepped in. It was exactly like my room, except his was slightly messy with clothes on the bed and some on the floor. Typical boys.

I'm really really sorry for not updating in such a long time. I had my exams not long ago and I have been revising. I also had writers block and I just didn't feel the same urge I used to feel to write.

Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next chapter will be longer.

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