Chapter 21

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''So what happened?'' Dad asked, looking at me once we all finished eating. ''I heard you used your elemental powers.''

''Yes I did. I went outside where all the fighting was going on and after a few minutes wolves surrounded me and there was a guy, I think he was alpha of those rogues. He said something about killing the first and now he was going to kill the second.'' A chill ran through me remembering his words.

''Jonathan?'' Mum asked dad.

''Yes, it must have been him.'' He replied.

Apollo, Bellamy and I looked at them both questioningly, confused to who they were talking about.

''The man you just told us about is called Jonathan. He was the one who attacked the palace and killed Orion. That's what he meant about the first.'' Mum explained.

''I'm guessing he meant Astra by the second.'' Bellamy added.

Mum nodded whilst sighing.

Bellamy wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. ''Well I won't let him kill her.'' He said sternly with determination in his eyes

''There's something else that happened out there, when I used my elemental powers against him. When I used I placed my hands out to use my powers, I closed my eyes out of instinct. Once I reopened them, Jonathan was laying flat on the ground a few feet away from me.'' I explained.

''That couldn't have been fire then, it must have been wind. It doesn't make any sense though, how is it possible for Astra to have both wind and fire powers?'' Apollo directed the question to both mum and dad. He had a point, how was that even possible?

''To be honest, I don't know.'' Dad replied, confusion written all over his face. ''I have never heard of something like this before. One element yes, but two? I think it's unheard of.''

''The elders might know something.'' Mum said back.

Dad stood up and said, ''we will ask them, but for now I suggest that Astra and Bellamy go back to school. We will let you know if we hear anything about it. I will also try to contact a witch I know, she might be able to use a spell to hide your scent. You both can head back to the school today, you will probably reach there by midnight, but it will give you time to attend all your lessons tomorrow.''

Bellamy and I both nodded. Mum and dad both left leaving Bellamy and I alone with Apollo.

''You guys better go get ready to leave. It was nice meeting you sis.'' Apollo had a look of kindness in his eyes. I was pretty surprised because ever since I first met him this morning, he had a blank expression, showing no kindness and no emotions towards me. It also felt weird being called sis, since I never even knew I had a sibling before.

Before I could even reply, he stood up and left the room.

''You okay?'' Bell asked, looking me in the eyes.

''Yea, just tired. A lot has happened in one day.'' I replied

He nodded in agreement. ''Let go back to our rooms and get our stuff. I need to call Tom too and let him know that we are okay and that we are coming back tonight.''

''Okay. I need to call Damon anyway.''


I walked in to my room and headed straight to were my phone was on charge. Luckily, it was on a hundred percent. I took it off the charger and unplugged it to put away in my bag.

I scrolled through my contacts until I reached the contact that said, 'Bestie For Life.' Damon had put his number under that name before. I pressed it and it began to ring.

He answered after two rings.

''Why the heck didn't you call me sooner? I was worried about you.'' He immediately said.

''Sorry, it's just that a lot has happened today and yesterday I fell asleep in the car on the way here so I couldn't ring you.''

''What happened?'' He asked with worry lacing his voice. Knowing him, he was probably pacing back and forth. That's what he always did when he got worried.

''I'll explain when I get back. Oh and that's also why I called, we are leaving soon so we will probably get there at around midnight.'' I explained.

''Okay that's fine. I'll wait up for you.''

''You don't have to, it's really late.''

''I want to. So I will see you soon.''

''Okay bye.''


I ended the call and placed my phone in my jean's pocket.

I didn't really have to pack anything since I didn't bring much with me in the first place.

I walked out of the room after I made sure I hadn't left any of my belongings inside.

I knocked on Bellamy's door and not even a second later he opened it.

''Ready?'' I asked.

''Yea.'' He replied. He walked out and closed the door.

''Just on time.'' I jumped slightly, at the sound of mum's voice. ''Are you both ready to go?''

''Yes.'' Bell replied and I nodded.

''Great. Come along then.'' She turned around and started heading towards the elevator.


An hour later, we were in the car and already half way to the school. We had said our goodbyes and mum and dad had said that they would let me know if they found out anything from the elders.

Apollo and I had exchanged phone numbers, so if they needed to speak to me they had a way of contacting me and vice versa.

Today had been a stressful and eventful day, but I was glad that I had met mum, dad and Apollo.

''How much longer until we get there?'' I asked Bellamy.

''About an hour.'' He replied.

I rested my head against his shoulder for comfort. His arm was wrapped around my waist and his head was now on top of mine.

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