Chapter 34

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The next day, school passed by in a blare. Before I knew, it was already time to leave for Lilah's funeral.

I was wearing a sleeveless black dress that stopped just below my knees. I had a black cardigan on top since it was cold outside and a pair of black flats. I was holding a black clutch to keep my belongings safe along with some tissues.

I heard a knock at the door and turned around to see Tom.

"Ready to go?'' He asked, bearing a smile.

I nodded and followed him downstairs.

Bellamy stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for us. Both him and Tom were wearing a black suit with a white shirt, finished with a black tie.

"Let's go." Bellamy said, not looking at me.

I guess he still wasn't talking to me. I thought it was quite childish to be honest, but that was not one of my worries on a day like today. I didn't want to make things even more awkward.

"I think I will go with Damon, you know for support." I said quickly, making up an excuse.

"Fine, let's go then Tom." He said in an aggravated manner whilst he stormed outside.

"Don't worry about him." Tom said as he pulled me into a hug.

I hugged him back and replied with, ''thanks.''

I walked back upstairs and made my way towards Damon's room. I entered to find him sitting on the end of his bed with his head in his hands.

"Damon." I said softly.

He looked up and our eyes met.

"It's going to be alright, it's just you and me here. Let it out." I said soothingly. I knew he was keeping it all bottled up, he needed to let out what he was feeling.

That was the moment in which I saw a tear fall from his eye and roll down his cheek.

I immediately ran to him and held him in my arms comfortingly.

Tears were now falling from his eyes like a waterfall. "She..she's gone." The words escaped from his mouth.

I had never seen him like this before, he was truly devastated. I pulled him even closer and wiped the tears away with the end of my cardigan.

We sat together for what seemed like hours and then finally decided it was time for us to leave. We stood up and I wiped away the final tear from his eye.

I grabbed hold of his hand and held it tightly.

"Everything is going to be alright."I said to him as we left the room.

I grabbed the keys to my silver BMW that mum had sent over, and we made our way outside.

It was a long and quiet drive to Golden Gate manor, which was where Lilah's funeral was to be held. As we drove up the never ending driveway we were finally greeted by a beautiful waterfall surrounded by majestic landscapes and views.

"She would have loved this place." Damon said sadly, staring out of the window.

I tightened the hold on his hand.

"I know." I responded.

I parked the car next to Tom's and we made our way inside.

Everyone was already seated and waiting for Damon and I so they could start the ceremony. We found a seat at the front and prepared ourselves for the upcoming arrival of Lilah's coffin.

Satisfied Mind by Jeff Buckley started playing. I turned around to see Tom and three other members of the pack carefully carrying in Lilah's coffin.

I could feel Damon shaking so I held him in my arms to comfort him. The ceremony passed quickly and before I knew it it was time for Damon to speak.

He trembled as he made his way to the stand. He stopped and gently placed a white rose on the top of the coffin.

"Your favourite. I will never forget you." He said softly, before planting a kiss onto her picture that was placed on the side.

His speech was beautiful and it reminded me that life was too short. It also reminded me that no matter what arguments me and Bellamy had, I still loved him and we didn't have time to hold silly grudges. I decided that I would go and talk to him after the funeral to sort things out.

The ceremony finished and everyone was making their way outside.

I knew Damon was fine since he was talking to Jay and Tom.

I could see Bellamy in the distance standing there in his black suit, looking handsome as usual.

I began to walk over to him and was nearly there when I was grabbed by my wrist. A funny feeling formed inside of me that I had only felt once before.

"Hello princess," were the final words I heard before everything went black.

Hey guys!
Who do you all think that was at the end of the chapter?

ffi_03 helped me write this chapter. :)

I hope you all enjoyed it and feel free to let me know you think.

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Thanks xxx

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