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Two weeks later

A tired groan rumbles from my throat as I wake up from my dream about a brown-eyed angel rescuing me from death's clutches.

If only it were real.

My life is a never-ending cycle of hell. Running from one place to another. Destroying what little happiness I'm able to scavenge along the way. Bringing death and destruction wherever I go.

I don't even remember where I'm at this time. I just know it's time to get up and keep moving before he finds me again.

He always does.

He's like a bloodhound that's locked onto my scent. In his case, a hellhound would be more precise.

I try to open my eyes, but the room is too bright. I lift my hand to cover my face... well; I try to, but something has my hand trapped.

Oh, fuck... he's got me!

I start to panic and the hand holding mine lets go, but then hands are holding my face, and it sets my panicking into overdrive.

I have to get away.

"Shh. Hey, Precious. You're safe. Open your eyes, baby. Look at me, you're safe." A velvety, masculine voice says, instantly calming me. "There we go. I'm going to turn the overhead light off so it's not so bright. I'll be right back." His hands leave my skin, taking my comfort with them, and the panic returns. I whimper, hoping they return with my calmness. "Shh. Don't cry, Precious. I'm here. I'm right here, feel my hands." The voice implores as hands grasp both of mine. "Open your eyes, baby."

After a few slow blinks, I'm able to keep my eyes open. I look around and see white walls, machines, and a person standing next to me. I look at the person and a smile pulls at my dry lips.

"My angel." I rasp out. The handsome brown-eyed angel is with me.

"Yeah, Precious. Your angel." He tells me, with a beautiful smile on his tired face. Seeing my angel, knowing he's here to watch over me; brings me peace. I fall back asleep with calmness running through me for the first time in years.

The next time I wake up, it feels like I got run over by a truck. My entire body feels like one big bruise. Everything just aches. I'm almost scared to open my eyes to see what the extent of the damage is. What happened to me? I rack my foggy brain as I try to remember.

It's close to midnight by the time I'm able to lock up and head to my temporary home. I use the word "home" loosely. I only stay in each town I stop in for a few days. Four days max. Anything longer and Brandon will find me. It doesn't matter how much time has passed, he's never far behind. So I find the cheapest motel around and crash for a few days while I find some under the table work so I can afford to live. If that's what you want to call what I've been doing for the past year.

Right now I'm lying low in Williamsdale, Texas. A small town no one's ever heard of. There are other small towns nearby, but this is the only one that had a job opening that was willing to pay under the table, no questions asked.

Mrs. Daniels is an elderly woman who owns the antiques shop I'm currently locking up. I saw the help wanted sign and went in to ask about it. She must have sensed my desperation, because she didn't even blink when I asked to be left off of any paperwork.

A few day's worth of work isn't even a hundred bucks, but it will be enough to afford a bus ticket to another insignificant town.


Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now