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Watching my brother cut into my woman, even only a tiny sliver, makes every muscle in my body go solid. The fact he's my brother and I know this is necessary in order to keep Mia safe, is the only thing stopping me from snatching her away from him and wrapping her in my protective arms.

I've always been a rational man until the moment I locked eyes on my woman. Now? Rationality is a foreign word. When it comes to Mia, it's like my mind reverts to simple caveman words of understanding.






When Nash found Alice, I thought he had lost his mind. I watched my older brother turn from a silent and reserved man into a commanding and possessive caveman. Now that I'm going through what he did, it all makes perfect sense.

I hate everything Mia has gone through in her life. I hate that bastard for everything he's done to her and those innocent women, but a small selfish part of me is also glad that it at least brought her to me. Of course, I wish it had been something much less severe that brought her into my life, but I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. She's here now, and that means she will be protected, probably for the first time in her life.

I don't know what I did to deserve such a strong and amazing woman to be mine. Mia has been through hell and yet she's still so damn strong and resilient, even if she can't see that about herself. She's been running for her life for a solid year from a psychopathic murderous ex, yet she still had enough hope in her heart to trust me. She's clearly feeling broken and distraught, yet as my brother and I sit here she tries to put a smile on her face and joke around in order to ease our discomfort. She's too damn pure and good for someone like me, but I'll be damned if I ever give her up.

River makes a small cut in her neck where he says the tracker is but Mia doesn't even flinch. Her face is soft while her eyes are closed. If it wasn't for the rapid pulse in her neck, I would think she was sleeping. Instead, it's like she's retreated into her mind somehow. I don't like that she's developed that kind of coping mechanism, knowing that repeated exposure to harm is the reasoning behind it. It irks something inside of me and I want to crawl inside her body and comfort her soul.

Fucking hell. I'm turning into a psycho.

It seems like hours but it's only minutes later and River applies the butterfly bandage to her neck. She's still lost somewhere inside her mind, oblivious to everything around her, and the concern in my gut makes me nauseous.

"What do you want me to do with this?" River asks as he holds up the grain sized tracking chip he pulled from her and placed in a tiny baggie.

"Tape it onto one of the cows in the pasture. It needs to be on something that moves so it doesn't appear like she's stagnant. It will draw his attention and hopefully bring him out." I look at Mia to see if she's hearing a word of what I'm saying but her face doesn't even twitch. I'm growing more worried as the minutes tick by. "It being on our property and in an isolated area will be easier to trap him." River carefully pockets the offending item and nods his head.

"Make sure all the alarms are set and call me at any time, brother." He tells me as he packs away all of his supplies.

"You know I will. Thank you."

"Don't thank me. We're family, it's what we do." He looks down at Mia with a soft, worried expression on his face. "Take care of her, brother."

After he leaves, I debate on what my next move should be. Instead of laying her on the bed and kissing her face and neck until she finally comes out of her comatose state like I want, I head to the bathroom and turn the large soaker tub on as I fill it with bubble bath. I promised my woman a nice bath and that's what she's going to get.

Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now