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I grin to myself as I think about the shock on Mia's face when I told her we were coming to lunch with my whole family. She might not think she's ready, but I'm scared that if I give her too much time to think about things, her insecurities will start seeping back in. I can't have that. Not after she finally gave in completely.

We pull up at my brother's home, the house we all grew up in. It's a huge single story ranch house with a wide open concept layout and a large wrap around patio. It's made of logs from past generations, and over time it's been upgraded. We all have so many happy memories here. The thought of growing a family with Mia and bringing our children here for weekly dinners with my brothers and their families makes my chest ache in a longing way I've never had before I met Mia.

Mia is wearing a dress Alice sent over for her. It's a simple blue dress that looks like a t-shirt, but on Mia she might as well be wearing lingerie with how hard my cock is just by looking at her. Then again, she could wear a paper sack and I would be hard enough to hammer nails with my dick. I'm insatiable for her.

If her meeting my family, our family, wasn't important; I would keep her in my bed all damn day and night. That idea has merit... but we're already here.

I feel like an asshole for fucking her so soon after meeting, especially after everything she's been through, but she was in it with me the whole time. I have to keep reminding myself of that before I let guilt creep in.

I found her naked and bleeding to death in an old trunk. That image will never leave my mind. I know I'll have nightmares of losing her before I ever had her, for the rest of my life. I'll take that as my penance for not finding her and rescuing her from her horrible life before, even though I had no clue she was out there yet.

The only saving grace, is that he didn't rape her. I thought for sure he did since she was naked when I found her, but the rape kit done at the hospital was negative and when I asked Mia she said he never did that to her. Thank fuck. My guess, he stripped her down to humiliate her even more. He's a sick fuck and I can't wait to get my hands on him.

River did as I asked and set the tracker up on one of the cattle we have in our south pasture on the property. After Alice's attack, we set up cameras throughout the Brook's family ranch. Including the woods and fence-line. I'm steadily waiting on an alert to be sent to my phone letting me know we have a breach. I'm antsy to get this over with and have that scum dealt with and off the face of the earth for good.

As soon as we walk through the door, its familial chaos. Nash is in the kitchen fixing lunch for everyone while Alice is in the living room holding a fussy baby Olivia in her arms. River is arguing with Colt over some new horse vitamin statistics, and Wilder is sitting at the kitchen table yelling at someone on the phone about a bar order being late.

"Oh my God! They're here!" Alice squeals, startling the baby in the process. She hugs her to her chest as she coos at Olivia in apology. Alice is such an outstanding mom. Watching her with my niece brings a smile to my face as I think about my woman mothering our future children.

Everyone stops what they're doing as they come over to us to meet Mia. I feel her tense beside me, but I squeeze her hand in comfort. She has nothing to fear with my family. They will love her almost as much as I do.

"Hi, Mia. I'm Alice. I'm Nash's wife." She beams at Mia as she holds up Olivia in her arms. "And this is Olivia." Nash holds out his large hand and shakes Mia's dainty one.

"It's nice to meet you, Darlin'." He smiles at her, doing his best to set her at ease.

"It's nice to meet you guys too. I'm Mia... but you know that already." She blushes in embarrassment as she looks down after letting his hand go. She's so damn adorable.

"Precious. This guy here is my younger brother Colt. He's a horse trainer." I point to Colt and he tips his head in greeting. "And this guy here is our youngest brother, Wilder. He owns the watering hole in town." I point Wilder out and he tries to send her a friendly smile, but it comes out more of a grimace so he just grunts. My littlest brother isn't good with being "friendly". Truth be told, he's kind of a dick. He left home after he graduated high school and only recently moved back. He changed while he was away. He's the same Wilder he's always been, just more standoffish. Darker, even. Hopefully, one day he'll open up and tell us what happened while he was away.

"Hi." Mia squeaks out and does an awkward little wave to the room. I swear I hear one of my brothers say "aww" under his breath. I kiss the side of her head while I try to hide my smile.

"This is River, you guys already met."

"Hey, Stinky. Glad to smell you've finally bathed." The shithead grins at her. Her face flames a bright red even as she narrows her eyes at him.

"River, I don't know your middle name, Brooks! I do not smell!" She whisper yells at him so she doesn't disturb the baby.

Everyone breaks out into laughter at their antics. I feel Mia relax at my side. I nod to River in thanks for setting her at ease.

"I hope you're hungry, Mia. I cooked a bunch of burgers with all the fixings and some sides for lunch." Nash announces.

"I'm famished, actually. Everything smells delicious. Thank you for having me."

"You're family, Darlin'. You're always welcome." He tells her seriously. She looks at me in shock but I just smile at her before I lean down and kiss her plump lips.

I told her this is her family now, and I meant it. She'll never be alone again. She now has a whole herd of people behind her back.

Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now