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Meeting Levi's family, my family apparently, is nothing like I expected. They are all so welcoming and friendly. It really reminds me of The Waltons on t.v. If I could have picked my family growing up, it would be one just like this one.

Alice is a lot like me. She's quiet and shy, but I can tell she's doing her best to make me comfortable. Her husband, Nash, is so smitten with her. You can see the love he has for her and their daughter by the way he constantly watches them with a smile on his face. I wonder if that's how Levi looks at me? I hope so.

River is like the big brother I always wanted. He constantly picks on me in a teasing way, but I give it right back. He's good at pulling me from my self-induced comfort zone and making me feel like I belong.

Colt reminds me of a brother, too. Except instead of picking on me like River does, he teams up with me to pick on River instead.

Wilder is a bit of an enigma. He's quiet and reserved. If it wasn't for his appearance, I wouldn't know he's related to the rest of the guys. He's not as easygoing as them. He's not unfriendly or rude though. I can tell that he's doing his best to make me feel welcome. I notice he watches me and Alice with a strange look. It's not unkind, it's more of a contemplating sort of look. To be honest, he seems lost and lonely.

"So, Mia. Where are you originally from?" Colt asks me several hours later after we've all ate lunch and moved to the living room to hang out.

Levi and I are sitting on the love seat, with me clinging to his side as a safety net. I enjoy this family and can honestly see myself belonging here, but it's still going to take me some time to truly feel comfortable. That's just another thing about me I need to work on.

"I grew up in Indiana with my aunt since I was in elementary school after my parents passed away." I answer Colt.

"I'm originally from New York." Alice tells me. She bites her lip as if she's thinking about saying something else. "I ran from an unsafe situation and landed here. Nash took one look at me and knew I was his. I came home with him that day and never looked back." She's so quiet when she talks but her words have a big impact.

I look at Levi, and he kisses my cheek. "I told you, Precious. When we know, we know. And I know you're mine." I shiver at his words and his lips on my skin. A warmth envelopes me as I consider everything.

"And you're mine." I whisper back, feeling the truth of my own words as they settle inside me. He smirks at me with hooded eyes.

"That's what I've been telling you the whole time, Precious." He nips my ear, making wetness pool between my legs. "I'm all yours." He growls.

I look around and see everyone smirking as they try to hold in laughter at us showing each other such intimate affection. I feel my face heat but Levi just chuckles into my neck as he kisses me there.

Alice and Nash are in a similar embrace as us though, so at least we're not the only ones showing PDA.

Alice's situation sounds a lot like my own and it's nice to know that I'm not the odd one out in the bunch. I've never really had a friend before, but I think her and I could become close.

Levi's phone going off brings me out of my thoughts. He pulls it out of his pocket and looks at the screen. His jaw clenches and his nostrils flare, but a wicked sort of smile graces his lips. He looks at his brothers and they all nod. What the heck is happening?

Levi clears his throat before looking at me. "We got an alert for a disturbance in one of the cattle pastures. You stay here with Alice, Colt, and Nash while me, River, and Wilder go check it out. Okay, Precious?" He phrases it as a question but it comes out as more of an order.

"Sure." To be honest, I don't like the thought of staying here without him, but logically I know we can't be connected at the hip twenty four seven. I need to get used to being around everyone anyway.

"I'll be back in a bit, baby. Promise." He looks at me for a long moment while he bites the inside of his cheek. "I love you, Mia." My mouth opens in shock. He kisses the corner of my mouth and he's gone before I can move again.

He loves me? He loves me. He loves me. Oh my God! Why didn't I say it back? Why did I just sit here like an idiot instead of admitting my feelings back to him? Do I love him though? I think about that for a moment.

Levi makes me feel safe. He's been by my side during one of the worst moments in my life. He's cared for me and taken care of me in ways no one ever has before. He doesn't hold back. When I'm with him it feels like I'm home. The answer hits me like a freight train. Yes. I love him. Holy shit, I love Levi!

"There it is." Nash's deep voice interrupts my chaotic thoughts. "That's the look of a woman that realizes she's in love." He smiles knowingly at me before looking at Alice and kissing her temple.

Alice smiles at me in understanding. "I know it's fast and you're probably scared with the speed everything is going, but these men mean every word they say. You belong here, Mia. Welcome to the family, sis." I don't think my heart could be any more full as it is right now. How is this level of happiness possible?

"Wanna help me make some cookies while we wait on the guys to get back? I'll tell you my story while we bake. Baking makes everything better. I have wine too." She winks at me and I feel myself grinning.

"Sure. I would love to." The heaviness from before leaves me as I follow Alice into the kitchen. I can't help but feel there's more going on with that alert Levi got on his phone though. I make a mental note to ask him about it when he gets back.

Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now