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I stand outside her door like the creeper she's turned me into until I hear her breathing even out. As I slowly open her door, I tell myself that I'm just checking on her, to make sure she's not too cold or uncomfortable. I'm being a gentleman after all.

That quickly changes the moment I see her curled up on the bed wearing my clothes, laying in a ball like she's trying to shield herself from the world. Seeing her in my clothes makes my brain short circuit. A part of me wants to make it to where that's the only clothing she ever wears. Of course, that's insane, so it's probably best if I don't voice that opinion.

I crawl into bed beside her, uncaring that she may wake up and freak out, she needs me right now even if she doesn't know it. She whimpers in her sleep, the sound making my heart clench, so I pull her body against me and wrap my arms around her.

She lets out a little sigh and nuzzles her face into my chest. It might take her mind a little time to realize that she's mine, but her subconscious already knows.

Feeling her soft little body in my arms has my dick rock hard. I use my free hand and grab it through my jeans to give it a little squeeze. Now is not the time. Laying in bed beside her is risky enough, her waking up and finding me next to her with my cock out would be bad. Very bad.

I close my eyes as I listen to her soft little snores, picturing what it will be like to see her smile at me with love reflecting in her eyes instead of the broken and terrified look she has now. I fall asleep and dream of all the filthy fucking ways I will finally make her mine as I sink inside of her and show her what it's like to be cherished.

The next morning I wake up at the sound of a small gasp. I open my eyes and see Mia's vibrant blues wide open in shock as she watches me.

"Good morning, Precious." I rasp out, hoping she doesn't start screaming bloody murder because I'm in her bed. That would be bad for my ego.

"You're... in my bed." She stutters out, looking fucking adorable with her hair sticking up in different directions.

I smile at her as I rub my hand down her hair, silently celebrating the fact that she didn't swat my hand away. "I am. Sorry if it freaks you out. I came to check on you last night and you were curled up into a ball. You looked like you needed comforting and I couldn't resist." Because you're mine.

"Oh." Watching her pouty little lips form the word has my morning wood making itself known. I shift my leg a little to hide it as I turn my body to face her more.

"Lay down with me. Just for a minute. I promise I won't bite, unless you ask me to." I grin at her so she knows I'm teasing. Her cheeks turn red and she looks down trying to hide it, but she lays down next to me. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept good. Great actually. You would think after being in a coma for two weeks that I would be all rested up but I must have still been tired." Remembering her laying in that bed for two weeks as her body healed has me thinking about the fact that some fucker put her there.

I slowly release my breath as I try to control my anger. I don't want to scare her, and something tells me that if I get angry and start snarling, she will run for the hills. So I get myself under control the best I can.

I need to get some answers from her so I can hunt this fucker down and make sure she's safe. I don't want my baby to be living in fear any longer. I want her to only know happiness from now on. By my side, where she belongs.

"I need you to tell me everything, Mia. This guy hurt you, tried to kill you. I'm going to make sure that never happens again, but in order to do that I need you to tell me everything." Her body goes rigid next to me and she swallows, like she's trying to stop herself from vomiting.

Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now