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Should I be scared right now? Because I'm not. Nothing about Levi could ever scare me. That probably means something is wrong with me, but that's nothing new.

The moment my eyes opened earlier to see him standing over me, completely naked, my body was ready. I've never felt need this intoxicating before. I'm ready, I'm so ready. Even if I know this is all I can ever have from him, I could die tomorrow and be happy with that. He deserves a woman with class and a good upbringing, not... me.

He lays me down on what I'm assuming is his bed, removing the towel he had wrapped around me. Standing above my completely naked body, I'm fully exposed to his hungry eyes. Part of me wants to squirm, but I'm more than willing to give myself over to him; if only to satisfy this need that's been gnawing at me since I opened my eyes in the hospital room.

"Perfection." He whispers reverently as he takes me in.

He leans over me and cradles my jaw as he looks deeply into my eyes. He brings his lips to mine, claiming my mouth and making butterflies go insane in my stomach. I want this. I want this more than anything.

My hands explore his sculpted body, making him groan as I feel every hard plane. For just this moment, his body is mine, and I plan on taking full advantage of that.

Unable to resist, I lean forward and run my palm down his abdomen. He sucks in a breath as I wrap my hand around his cock. He's long, and so wide that my fingers don't meet. To be honest, his size is a little intimidating, but it's a challenge I fully accept.

"Fuck, Precious. Having your hands on my body and my cock is enough to make me nearly blow before I've even gotten inside you." He rasps out before he takes my hands and pins them to the bed above my head. "Let me worship you, baby."

"Please." As soon as the word leaves my mouth, he's on me.

He leans down and pulls the tip of my nipple into his mouth, making my back arch off the bed. I moan, long and low, like the wanton woman I am.

His hand pushes between us and his fingers coat themselves in my wetness as he expertly plays with my pussy. He inserts two fingers and immediately searches out and finds my g-spot.

"Levi!" I scream as I fastly approach the peak of my orgasm. My body is already so primed that he could simply blow on my clit and I would fall over the edge.

"That's right, Precious. Scream your man's name."

He moves down my body and I lose all form of function at the first swipe of his tongue against my aching pussy.

All I can do in this moment is simply feel. I'm surrounded by him as he plays with my body like an expert. He firms his tongue and swirls it around my clit, then he sucks it into his mouth and hums. That's all it takes to throw me over as I scream incoherently in pure bliss.

"Watching you cum on my face was the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed." He tells me right before he leans in and kisses me, letting me taste myself on his lips. I feel like I've left my mark on him, claiming him as mine. It's an idiotic thought, he'll never be mine, but for this moment... It's nice to pretend. For right now, he's mine. All mine.

Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now