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I see the hope in her eyes as she finally starts to believe me. I hate that she's been carrying this burden and guilt in her mind this whole time.

Family and friends of serial killers often ask themselves the same questions. How did I miss the signs? How did I not suspect anything? But the truth of the matter is, most serial killers are often the people we least suspect. Dahmer was someone you would suspect, the guy was weird as shit. But look at Ted Bundy for example. The guy was as charming as they come. That faux charming quality is what helps them get away with it as long as they do.

Thinking about Mia being in this monster's clutches for so long, living under his roof, sleeping in his bed; it makes me nearly have a coronary.

I easily could have lost her before I ever met her. Part of me feels guilty myself. If I had met her much sooner, she never would have fallen into his trap. She never would have been a victim. But those are fruitless thoughts. I just got onto her for feeling guilty over something she couldn't control, I'm not about to be a hypocrite.

The one thing I can't wrap my head around, is how this jackass keeps tracking her down. She doesn't use anything that can be tracked, so how is he doing it?

"You said he always seems to find you, right?" I ask her as I run through my mind on possible scenarios.

"Yeah. The longest I've been able to stay somewhere is about four days, and that's pushing it. Up until this last time, I've managed to slip away. That's why I never carry a lot of stuff with me. That way it's easier to just leave."

"I'm going to call my brother, River. He's a veterinarian. I don't know for sure, but I think that jackass planted a tracker in you. I don't want to alert the hospital or anyone, not for what I have planned for him. The less others are involved, the better. River will be able to find it if there is one in you, and we can remove it."

"Oh my God! Do you really think there's a tracker inside me?" There's so much panic in her voice that I almost hate myself for mentioning it, but the fact of the matter is; it's the most likely possibility. If I'm right, which I probably am, then we need to get it the fuck out of her. Now.

"Hey, shh." I soothe her as I pull her into my arms and rub my hand up and down her back. She cries in my arms and I make a vow to myself to never let anything make her cry again. "If there is, we will get it out. I promise, Precious. Everything will be okay."

"It makes so much sense, Levi. How else would he be able to find me? I just don't understand how he could have put it there without me knowing." He probably drugged her or something to make her unconscious while he injected it into her skin. But I know better than to voice my theory. She's shaken up enough as is.

"There's no telling, baby. What's important now is that we get it out, so it's never an issue again."

After what feels like hours, she finally falls asleep from crying her eyes out. I hate it; I hate all of it, but she's here now, and that means I can protect her. She's not alone anymore.

I slowly climb out of the bed and leave the room so I can call River. Now more than ever, I'm so thankful to have the family I do. I know that no matter what, my brothers will always have my back. I can't even imagine having to go through life without them. Mia going through life alone is just a testament to how strong she truly is.

"What's up?" River answers after the second ring.

"I need your help." I cut right to the chase.

"Tell me what you need and I'm there." Fuck, I love my brothers. I could tell any one of them that I need something and they'll help, no questions asked.

"My woman's ex is a serial killer and I believe he somehow planted a tracker in her skin. It's the only logical thing I can come up with for how he's been able to track her down so easily over the course of a year."

"Jesus. Is she okay? How's she holding up with everything?" There's true concern in his voice as he asks about her. My brothers know all about her, because talking about her while she was lying in the hospital bed is the only thing that kept me sane. I already know, without even having to ask, that each one of them would protect her as if she was their sister. That's just how amazing my family truly is. Our parents did an amazing job raising us.

"She's shaken up, naturally, and she's confused about this thing between us but she'll come around. I can see it in her eyes that she wants this. She's just cautious, which is to be expected after what she's been through."

"She'll be okay now that she has you, plus four new brothers and a new sister." I smile at that. I can't wait for her to meet everyone. They're going to love her.

"Very true. Right now, I need you to come here and see if you can find the tracker, then remove it. I need this kept quiet for what I have planned."

"On my way, brother. What's your plan? Anything I can help with?"

"I plan on using the tracker to draw him out. Then I'm going to kill him and make it look like self defense." I've thought this plan through multiple times and it's the only one that brings real justice.

"Why not just do like we did with Alice's dad? Feed him to Benny's pigs." I sigh, because the idea is appealing.

"I thought about that, but this guy has murdered multiple women and he's wanted. If he just disappears no one will truly get justice or be at peace. They won't know he's dead. Killing him and making it look like self defense will help the families of his victims get some type of closure."

"I get it. That's why you're the cop in the family. You always think about how things will affect others. I'm loading up and heading your way now." We hang up after that, a sense of urgency flowing through me at the prospect of ending this for Mia so she can finally move on and put this nightmare behind her.

Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now