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The last two weeks have been utter fucking hell. Watching Mia laying in that hospital bed has aged me ten years it seems like. I felt so helpless.

My beautiful broken baby.

I barely left that hospital room, and only when I didn't have a choice. Being sheriff comes with a lot of responsibility but luckily for me; GaleTown is small. I still had to put the uniform on and make an appearance, but I let others at the station handle the minimal work load.

Alice and Nash finally welcomed baby Olivia into the world. I was able to go up and see them for a while and it helped calm me down a bit.

Holding my niece in my arms made me ache, fucking ache, to be holding mine and Mia's baby. That made me feel like the worst kind of piece of shit. My woman was unconscious in the hospital bed, fighting for her fucking life, and I was thinking about making a baby with her. I need to calm the hell down with this caveman crap, but it's nearly impossible. The only thing stopping me from losing control and demanding that she becomes mine right this second, is the broken and haunted look in her eyes.

We've barely spoken more than a handful of words to each other and so much has happened to her recently, it would be cruel for me to declare that she belongs to me and that we're soulmates. That would quickly send her running for the hills and I wouldn't blame her. I wouldn't let her get far... but the doubt is understandable.

Mia isn't from GaleTown, she doesn't know or understand that when we see the person who was made for us; we just know.

Right now she doesn't need some caveman in a uniform to declare his undying love and toss her over his shoulder back to his cave for breeding. No, what she needs is a strong and steady presence to help her through a difficult time in her life. I'll be whatever she needs for however long she needs it. She's mine. My woman and my responsibility.

She's barely said five words since we left the hospital. I see her peeking at me out of the corner of her eye when she thinks I'm not looking though. I want to tell her I belong to her and she can look at me however she wants, but that's probably under the caveman column of shit to say and I need to say things from the normal guy column.

"This is your house?" Her angelic voice finally breaks the silence as we pull up outside of my home.

"This is our house, sweetheart." Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud. I look at her, expecting her to balk at my statement but she just smiles at me while her cheeks turn a beautiful shade of red. I'll take that as a win.

"It's lovely." She has a note of wonder in her voice as she peers out the window looking at it.

It's a simple one-story log home that me and my brother's built about six years ago. It has a covered patio, large windows, and a chimney on the side. It's basic and simple but she's looking at it like it's her dream home.

I feel a surge of pride at the fact that my woman loves our home so much. I'll change whatever she wants about it if she asks, but knowing she approves of it eases a burden I didn't realize I was carrying. When I designed my home, I had my future wife in mind. Now here she is, and she loves it.

I quickly get out and run over to her door before opening it. I undo her seatbelt and gently pick her up, holding her bridal style in my arms. She lets out an adorable little squeak as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I can walk." She mumbles while her cheeks turn an amusing shade of pink.

"Shush, baby. I can also carry you. You need to take it easy and it's my job to make sure you do just that." She tucks her head into my neck, hiding her face, but she doesn't argue.

I feed her first and foremost, then I carry her to the guest bedroom, hating every moment of it. Hating it because she should be sleeping in our bed, but it's pretty damn obvious that now isn't the time to tell my traumatized woman that.

"My room is right next door, so if you need anything either call for me or knock on the wall. I'll come running." I tell her softly as I hand her a change of clothes. It's just some old sweats and a t-shirt, but she's looking at me like I just handed her a new car.

"Thank you." She smiles at me, and I have to hold myself back from leaning forward and tasting her lips.

"Don't thank me baby, Whatever you need; I've got you." I kiss her cheek and leave the room.

All I want to do is climb into the shower with her and help her wash, but I'm not too far gone to not understand that even though I feel a deep connection to her, I'm a stranger in her eyes. The goal here is to not freak her out. Pretty sure thrusting my cock into her line of sight when she's at her most vulnerable would do the opposite.

I stand outside the bedroom door and listen as she turns the shower on. Regardless of how slow I need to take things, if I hear her fall or call for help, I'm running straight in there. Intentions be damned.

Once she's washed up and feeling better, we need to sit down and have a serious talk. I don't know her full story, but I know that she's in trouble. Her ex tried to kill her and would have succeeded if I hadn't found her when I did. That's a problem. A problem I'm going to rectify in the most permanent way. No one hurts my woman and gets left breathing.

She's skittish, and she's a flight risk though, so getting her to open up to me is going to take earning her trust. In time, she will learn that I'll always take her pain and worries away.

Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now