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Waking up in Levi's arms this morning after last night brings a smile to my face. Having sex with Levi was unexpected, but it was absolutely wonderful. I had no idea sex could be like that. I wonder if that's how sex is supposed to be?

The only other man I've ever had sex with is Brandon, and it was nothing compared to how it was last night with Levi. With my ex, it was all about him. I had just assumed that's how it always is with men. I would hear the women complain about sex with their partners while I was working, so I never really thought much of it. I figured it was just another thing women had to deal with, like periods. But after last night I'm starting to feel like I've just sorely been missing out.

Levi made me see stars burst behind my eyelids when I came. The fact that I actually came while having sex is something I thought of as a myth. I felt so connected to him, on a visceral level. It felt like our souls were intertwining. I'm probably just being emotional and girly though. I doubt the experience was anything spectacular to him. I'm sure he's had much better before.

"I can hear your mind running from here, Precious. What are you thinking about?" Levi's voice is raspy from sleep and his arms tighten around me. Chills break out across my flesh and I have to squeeze my thighs together as I feel his breath skate across my neck. We've slept together one time and now I'm obsessed. I'm already turning into a clingy and needy nightmare. What is wrong with me?

"Last night was... great." I answer him. It was way better than great, but the last thing I want is for him to know how quickly he's made me become obsessed with him. I'm so pathetic.

Levi sits up to hover over me, and he traps me in his penetrating gaze. My breath hitches as I see the raw possession in his eyes. Maybe that's just wishful thinking.

"Mia, last night was pure perfection, just like you. Feeling your tight, wet pussy squeezing me as you came apart on my cock was the best moment in my life. Make no mistake, precious, if there was a way for me to have you impaled on my cock for every moment of every day, I would." Holy cow.

"Um... thanks?" Very articulate, Mia. But what do I say to that? His face softens as he looks at me with a hint of amusement.

"You're so adorable, baby." He leans down and kisses my lips. A tiny mewl escapes my throat as my needy body begs for him again. "Fucking perfect." He whispers as he looks down at me. I don't know what he sees on my face, but it must answer some question he was asking himself because he kisses me again, this time with a lot more need behind it.

He runs his hand down my still naked body until he slips between my thighs. His fingers sweep through my pussy before finding my entrance and dipping in a few times. I can hear how obscenely wet I am from here, but I can't find it in me to be embarrassed, not when he's touching me the way he is.

"You're so wet, baby. Are you sore? I need you, Mia. I need you so damn bad, but I won't take you again if you're too sore."

"Please. I need you too, Levi." I practically beg him at this point. I am a little sore. Last night was rough, but it was a beautiful kind of pain. I don't think I could ever be too sore to welcome him into my body.

I'm still healing from being in the hospital, but dammit, I deserve to soak up as much pleasure as I can while it's still available to me. No matter where I eventually end up in life, I'll always have these memories with Levi to look back on to bring a smile to my face.

"What do you need, Precious? Tell me and it's yours."

"I need you inside me, Levi. Please." I'm a begging, needy, mess, but I don't care. And if the wicked smile on his face is any indication, he doesn't mind it one bit either.

Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now