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She wraps her luscious legs around my waist as I push my tongue into her mouth. Her pussy tasted fucking delectable. She was the perfect amount of sweet and musky, amping up my craving for her even more. I want to wake up and eat her pussy for breakfast every morning. It is the most important meal of the day, right?

I gave her one orgasm with my mouth, enough to soften her up to take my cock. I didn't miss the slight trepidation on her face when she wrapped her hand around me and realized how big I am, but then she shocked the shit out of me when a look of acceptance overcame her, as if my cock is a challenge she fully intends to conquer. Told you she was perfect.

She's in post orgasmic bliss right now, so I don't waste any time. I guide my cock to her entrance as I pull back from our kiss so I don't miss the exact moment she takes me for the first time. Once the head of my cock is fully coated in her arousal, I slide in an inch. I pull back out slightly, before pushing in another inch. She's fucking tight, but her body accepts me as I do this over and over again, going deeper with each thrust.

Her eyes are hooded as she watches me, and her chest is heaving up and down. She looks delectable. She looks like mine.

"You feel so good, Precious." I praise her once I'm buried inside her all the way to the hilt. She whimpers slightly, even as her pussy clamps down on my cock.

"Full. I'm so full, Levi." I kiss her soft lips before planting kisses on her cheeks, nose, and forehead. I don't move a muscle until she's adjusted to me enough to be comfortable.

"You take me so beautifully, Mia. We're the perfect fit. Your pussy is so tight and so wet, baby. I'm not moving a muscle until you tell me to." She raises her hips slightly, opening herself up to me more as she tests out the feeling.

"Move, Levi. Please. Make me feel good." She's practically begging me now. Who am I to disappoint?

I pull out a few inches before slowly sinking back in. I keep my thrusts slow and even like this until she starts to meet me thrust for thrust.

Once I feel like she's ready, I pull back until just the tip remains, then I slam forward.

"Yes!" She screams, as her back arches and she closes her eyes in bliss. There's my girl.

Her hips continue to rise, meeting my thrusts, challenging me to go harder. This wasn't what I had planned. I was going to make gentle love to her, go easy on her until her body healed more, but my woman loves surprising me. My Mia doesn't want slow and sweet, she wants carnal and savage. Knowing this, the caveman portion of my brain when it comes to her takes control.

I pull all the way out of her, much to her protest, as I grab her hips and flip her onto her stomach. I lift her pelvis until her ass is in the air with her cheek pressed into the mattress. I growl when I see her wetness dripping down her thighs from her pussy.

I position myself once again at her entrance and then like the savage I apparently am; I slam back inside of her in a single thrust. I hold her in place and fuck her with a sweet brutality I didn't know I had. Her screams and moans are like a beautiful soundtrack as I get lost in the feel of her.

"Tell me you're perfect for me, Mia. Tell me we belong together. Tell me you'll never leave me." I demand as I feel her pussy clench around me like a vice.

"Levi!" She screams. While I love hearing her scream my name while I fuck her, that's not what I want right now.

I plant my cock as deep inside of her as I can go, until my head is touching her cervix, then I still my movements. She doesn't get to cum until she says what I want her to hear. What I demand her to understand. She whimpers and protests, attempting to fuck herself on my cock, but I grab her hips and keep her firmly in place.

"Say it, Mia. Say the words, baby." She chokes out a cry, but this is the one and only thing I won't give in to. She has to understand that she's beyond perfect for me. That I'm not too good for her. I won't have her thinking such negative and toxic thoughts about herself. She's too fucking precious to feel that way about herself.

"Please, Levi." She sobs in frustration.

"Say it, baby. Say it and I'll give you what we both need." I coax.

"I'm perfect. We're perfect. I'll never leave you as long as you want me." She whimpers. Fucking finally.

"Good girl." I praise, before I pull back and slam back inside her heaven. Those words are a balm to my soul. I'll have to make her say it every time I'm inside her until she finally starts to believe it herself. It's a chore I'm all too happy to do.

I reach around her and use my middle finger to circle her swollen clit. She tightens around my thickness and moans. I continue to thrust inside her, hitting every sensitive perfect place.

I curse and groan while simultaneously offering words of praise at each impact. Her body is so tight and needy for release.

"Are you going to cum for me, Precious?"

"Yes!" She sobs.

I pinch her clit as I pound mercilessly into her. Her pussy clamps down on me in an unforgiving vice and pulls me right over the edge with her. I groan and throb as I paint her insides with my release.

My climax shatters me in the best way. This moment with her, this experience, is everything I craved. I gently pull out of her, instantly missing her warmth being wrapped around me. I kiss her neck softly as she pants for breath, then I lay down beside her and pull her into my arms. I tuck her head into my neck as I hold her to me with one arm while my free hand caresses the curve of her ass.

Mia is mine. She has been since the moment I laid eyes on her. I won't allow her self-doubt and insecurities to taint her mentality of herself or to run from this connection between us. I can't lose her. I won't lose her. It's not an option.

I'm going to trap her nightmare ex and get rid of him for good. Once he's finally dealt with, not only will the world be a safer place for innocent women, but so will my Precious. She will never have to look over her shoulder again or fear missing out on happiness and love. I will never allow her life to be in danger again, even if it means I have to stick to her like a shadow for the rest of our lives. 

Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now