Epilogue, Levi

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One month later

"I love you, wife." I rasp out in between kissing her lips as she scrambles to strip my clothes off.

"I love you too, husband." She giggles, melting my heart even more.

One month ago, I shot and killed the man that nearly succeeded in killing my woman. After Wilder ran off to deal with his stuff, I called it in and dealt with the aftermath of the "self defense" killing.

Mia came out when all the cop cars arrived and as soon as she saw my bruised jaw and split lip she burst into tears and ran into my arms telling me she loved me over and over again. I carried her inside and told her what really happened. I expected her to cringe away from me since I killed someone, even if he was an awful human being, but instead, she sagged in relief. Ever since I rid that monster of this world she's had a lightness to her. She sleeps better and smiles more often. I don't regret a thing, I would kill him over and over again if it makes her keep smiling like she does.

The very next day I put a ring on her finger and dragged her to the courthouse. She protested a bit, but I hauled her into the bathroom and bent her over the sink and sank my cock into her. I finally let her cum after she told me yes. Was it manipulative? Yes. Am I ashamed? No.

When I look at my ring on her finger and she tells me she loves me, it's like my soul sings out in harmony with hers. This is where she belongs, where she's meant to be. Where she was always meant to be.

Once we're both undressed, I sit up on the bed and pull her into my lap. I lower her down onto my leaking cock and she throws her head back in ecstasy. I suck her bottom lip into my mouth and wrap my arms around her, holding her tight as she rides me.

I rub my thumb on her swollen clit, and she clenches around me. She speeds up, chasing her pleasure. I grab her hips and halt her movements, making her whimper.

"Please, Levi." I love it when she begs.

"Tell me what I want to hear. Say the words, Precious." I softly command.

"I'm perfect. We're perfect. I'll never leave. I love you."

I tighten my grip on her hips and slam up into her. She screams, but I keep going. I pinch her clit and bite her nipple at the same time, knocking her senses out of sync.

Her pussy clenches and she clings to me as her orgasm hits her and she cums on my cock. I thrust into her two more times before I follow her over the edge.

"I love you, Levi." She breathes out, her eyes closed as she comes down from the high only I can give her. I grip her tightly, never wanting to let her go.

"I love you too, Precious." I kiss her neck, tasting her salty skin I've come to crave.

"Thank you."

"For what, baby?"

"For giving me my dream life." I close my eyes at her words. Knowing that I give her the life she's always wanted is enough to bring tears to my eyes.

"You've done the same for me, Precious. I never realized how much I was missing until I found you."

Life was so meaningless until I found and rescued Mia. Having her makes everything feel complete. She's all mine.

My Precious.

My wife.

My children's mother.


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