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For a moment, as I take in his words, I wonder if I'm still laying in the hospital and all of this is just a figment of my imagination. He's saying everything I've always longed to hear, but it can't be real. Can it?

I look over at him and reach out with my hand. He takes it and entwines our fingers together. The feel of his skin against mine feels like home. Not the home I grew up in, but a real home. One where I'm cared for and accepted despite my many faults.

He needs to know about Brandon, and what type of trouble I could lead to his door. He deserves to know more than anything. This man, this stranger, because despite how he makes me feel he is still a stranger, saved me from certain death and took it personally on my behalf. He brought me into his home and promised to never let harm come to me again. The very least I could do is tell him what type of monster is hunting me.

I let go of his hand and sit up in the bed so my back is against the headboard. He follows suit and does the same. I turn away from him so I'm facing forward. Call me a coward, but I can't bear to see the judgment on his face while I dredge up my past and tell him how ignorant I was.

"Brandon Wells. That's his name. I was working at a small diner down the block from my aunt's house when he walked in and sat in my section. After that he would come in almost every night for months. We talked and flirted before he finally asked me out. I hesitated because I had never really dated before, but he seemed like such a nice guy, so I gave in and gave him a chance. For a year he was the picture perfect boyfriend. He was sweet and charming and I quickly fell in love. I finally decided to bring him home, since we usually hung out at his house, and I introduced him to my aunt. When he left that night, my aunt told me to stay away from him. That he was trouble. Instead of listening, I moved out and moved in with him. The moment I moved in with him he changed. He became demanding and cruel. Regardless of how badly he treated me, I thought it was my fault, that something was wrong with me. So I did everything he wanted. I became what he wanted. The perfect submissive lap dog." Levi gently wipes away the tears I didn't realize were trailing down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, baby." He grabs my hand and tightens his fingers around mine, giving me strength to finish.

"At the time, there were a series of murders happening in our area. Young women were being murdered in their beds in the middle of the night while they slept. A serial killer. The killer never took anything other than a lock of hair as a trophy from the victims."

"Fuck." Levi whispers in shock. He already knows where this is going. I look at him sadly as guilt and shame wash over me.

"One day while he was gone to work, I found a duffle bag buried deep inside his closet. When I opened it, I found several locks of hair placed inside individual Ziploc bags. That's when it hit me, he was the serial killer. I immediately called the cops and reported him. The cops came out and took the evidence, along with my statement. I thought that was it. I thought they would go to his work and arrest him. I didn't know it at the time, but he had cameras set up around the house so he could watch me during the day. He already knew, and he escaped before they could hunt him down. I knew he would come after me, so I packed a small bag and ran. I've been running for the past year but he always, always, finds me. I don't have any electronics on me, I don't use cards for money, there's no way for him to be tracking me but he does. I can never stay in one place longer than a few days or he finds me. This time he tracked me down quicker than before. It's like he's a bloodhound that's locked onto my scent. I just can't escape him, no matter how much time passes or how many times I move. He's always there. He's been tracking me across the states and every place he tracks me to, he leaves a body behind. All those innocent women are dead because of me. Because I lead him right to them." The guilt and shame becomes too much and I start to close in on myself. I'm no better than he is. He might be the one doing the killing, but I'm the one that puts him in their path. Maybe if I died, everyone would be safe.

"Hey, knock that shit off. Right now." Levi's stern voice makes my eyes pop open and I see his thunderous face peering down at me.

"None of this is your fault, Precious. This is all on him. Not you. He's a monster and deserves to be put down like the rabid animal he is." I know that everything he's saying is true, but I just can't stop the guilt from creeping in.

"Logically, I know that. But I dated him, I even loved him at one point. How can I get over the fact that I loved a monster, Levi?"

"You don't. You didn't love him, Mia. You loved the person he pretended to be. You loved the person he created for you. You were a victim." There's so much vehemence in his voice. I want to believe him as strongly as he believes himself.

"I want to believe that, Levi. I really do, but he's a serial killer. How did I miss that? How could I live with him and not know what he was until the evidence was literally in my face?"

"Look at me, Precious." He cups my face between his hands and I let out a shuddering breath. "If it was another woman in your shoes, would you blame her? Would you think she's at fault?"

I think about what he's saying. I picture another woman in my situation. The truth is glaring me in the face.

"No. She loved him and trusted him. How could she see the signs if she wasn't even looking for them?"

"See? Stop blaming yourself. This asshole set his sights on you and played a game you had no knowledge of. You were a victim, just like those other women, only you survived. We're going to catch this fucker, I promise. He will never hurt you or anyone again." I believe him. For the first time in a very long time, I have hope. 

Rescuing Her 18+ (Her Series book two)Where stories live. Discover now