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Have you ever thought of leaving the mayhem of life behind, and seeking emancipation in the world of imagination? 
This is what we call an 'escape'- A momentary solace where there are no walls confining us to. But it is, after all 'momentary'. Reality hits back, pretty early, dragging us back to the maddening rat race of life. No matter how much we try to stray away from it, we end up walking the same path of life again. 
Is there any way, we can find an escape, a permanent one? The answer to which is yes. If you think that 'Death' is the one, you're wrong. Death is of course not a permanent escape, for you will keep on taking rebirths as long as you are unable to fulfil your purpose on earth. God has sent you on earth, for some very specific purpose, and once we fulfil it, God himself calls us back to him. But the irony here is, that most of us are unaware of this 'purpose'. And we will remain unknown of this reason, as long as we are binded by the materialistic allurements. Once we detach ourselves from these distractions, are whole heartedly dedicate ourselves to the right path of righteousness, do we then achieve the goal. God unfolds the 'reason or purpose' right in front of our eyes and we are able to see it when we are on the right track.
Then, and only then is 'death' a way of being one with God himself. Our Aatma becomes a part of the Paramatma (Brahma), and we unite with our creator. We find an escape from the mortal world, and an escape from the continuous reincarnations that to more suffering. Our suffering shall end, if we take an oath to be on the path of righteousness and believe in the supreme power.

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