Every house is not a home

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When someone asks us, where we stay, we tend to tell them our address. We know that is our residence, and where we are physically present. The place that we referred to was our 'house'. An architecture guarded by beautiful walls and exquisite furniture. A house that is always welcome to the guests, but not necessarily to ourselves.

You see, no matter how expensive or how magnificent our house looks, it does not make a home unless we feel home in it. And that feeling of homeliness comes from a family, a loving and caring one. The joy emanating from spending time with them, the longing to be at home with them, the love showered by them, is what makes a house a home. I remember reading an excerpt on a newspaper that was titled 'home is where your heart is'. The article was about a little bat who had broken its wings and needed immediate care. A woman found the injured bat at her window pane and immediately treated it. She took care of the bat as if it were her own child. Within a month, it recovered its strength and was able to fly again. The woman, now knew that she had to let go of the bat to the forest- where it belonged. The following day, she went into the forest with the bat and let it fly. She ran back to her place with tears in her eyes. Next morning, as usual she left for work and when she returned, she was shocked to find the bat there. Apparently, the bat had followed the same path to return to its home, when it understood that the woman, the only family it had was out of sight. This excerpt upholds how a home is not necessarily where you belong to, but where your heart desires to stay. It also throws light on how a family is not who you are related by blood, but who you are related by heart.

To conclude, I would say that to make a house a home, you have to stop running behind the materialistic aspects, and focus on what is inside, inside of the house, the family, the joy, the peace, the love and every memory that would linger in your heart, throughout your life. Remember, that once you are estranged from this house, it is not the beautifully painted walls or the extravagant furniture that you would miss, but the coalescence of love, emotion and empathy, and only then will it be called a home.

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