Influence of age on maturity

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To be really honest, I don't consider 'age' to be a deciding factor in any of the fields in life. After all, age is just a number and it can not necessarily influence what you bring onto the plate. I have seen many children, 4–5-year-olds who behave like adults, and some older souls who on the contrary have a very pure and childish attitude towards life. So, you see, it is not the age that determines your maturity but experiences and what you've through in life, that does.

Yes, our constitution considers us to be old enough to vote, drive a car and own a license at the age of 18, to be mature enough to stand in an election at the age of 25, and the list goes on and on. There is no limit to being mature. The older you get, the world thinks that you have become a more mature version of yourself, which in most cases is true. In fact, you yourself know, how you laugh at the past decisions you have taken, on taking a trip down the memory lane. You laugh, knowing how childish those choices you made were. However, you also know that you might not be able to take a better decision, if not the same, even at this age.

Therefore, it is important that we stop pondering over which age is mature enough, and instead focus on the development we go through each year. We should be grateful to the almighty who has helped us get this far in life, through the experiences, circumstances and adversities he had thrown in the way. It is these adversities that have helped us mold into a better and more mature version of ourselves.

In the end, it is not age that brings maturity but circumstances and experiences in life that brings in the transformation from a childish attitude, to a self-dependent and mature thought process. 

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