The Brightest Sun- Part 2

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Harsh experiences can either turn one into the kindest version of themselves, or the harshest. The latter is the case for Nana, for her past has been traumatic, from being a maid in a rich businessman's house , carrying his daughter,  getting blamed of forcing herself on him, being sent away, her father disowning her, to the businessman sending them away to live in a small kolba, everything has been the complete opposite of the life she had dreamt about living all along.

Mariam, was soon born, a thin little girl, who constantly reminded of her father, Jalil, whom Nana hated from the bottom of her heart, or any man for that matter. But she could not bring herself to not love her daughter, the only family she had.

This love was not the tender love you would expect a mother to shower her daughter with. She was nothing but harsh with Mariam. She called Mariam names, the worst of them, and taught her to hate the rich, the men, even her own father and brothers. She used to tell her, how the world did not care about women, and all women will ever be are the ones accused and blamed by men. Her deep rooted hatred made her a bitter woman, one who Mariam did not believe in as much as she did in her father.

Followed by a turn of fate, she loses Nana, when she is out in the town looking for her father's love and care, disregarding her mother's warning. She returns to find Nana hanging on a tree, indicating that she had given up her life. The little girl, only fifteen then, is shipped off to her father's abode. By then she had realised that her father's sweetness and love, was not at all genuine. But it was too late by then. From there, she was married off to a widower 30 years older to her, and taken to Kabul, completely unfamiliar to her. Her husband, turned out to be abusive and misogynistic, blaming her for each and everything. 
It is then, when she remembers Nana's words, "Like a compass needle that points North, a man's accusing finger always points a woman. Always." And she knows that it is true, and she lives the next 19 years, tortured and bruised, by her husband, until Laila enters their lives, bringing in the brightest sun. 

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