Soviet Russia(THE END)

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This will probably be the final installment of this book. But when I say probably I mean I might. If I never get 100 votes, I will kill you. Ok now for story! I live in Soviet Russia. There you don't open presents, presents open you. You don't watch TV, TV watches you. You don't eat chicken, Chicken eats you! You don't take dumps, dumps take you! You don't shoot guns, guns shoot you. *UH* You don't smoke cigars, cigars smoke you! You don't drive cars, Cars drive you!! You don't live in Russia, Russia lives in you! You don't chew gum, gum chews you! You don't peal bananas, bananas peal you! You don't kill people, people kill you! You don't kick butt, but kicks you! You don't walk dogs, dogs walk you!

You don't die in pain, pain dies in you. You don't find parties, Parties find you! You don't live in peace, peace lives in you! You don't make money, money makes you! You don't run laps, laps run you! You don't end stories, STORIES END YOU! BYE BYE!!

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