You know what I hate about the t-rex, is that they like to eat other animals. Isn't that mean? I mean that's about as crazy as us humans eating a cow or pig. I know right? Isn't that crazy? I can't even imagine it. I hate things that eat other living things. So if you are a carnivore, just think about if you were being eaten alive. It hurts, doesn't it? I hate salad, so I eat cheeseburgers. But I would never eat a cow. I'm sorry, it's just gonna make me cry that some stupid people like to eat other living things. I especially like bacon on my cheeseburger, but why would I want to eat a pig? You people are just so mean and cruel to other animals and why even eat people. You know that never came into my mind until now. I just want you know that you carnivores will regret this!
The Story of a Fat Unicorn and Other Animal Stories
فكاهةA story of a very obese Unicorn. But not only the unicorn but many other cool creatures as well such as Logan and Fox. By the way I will never stop writing this until I die in heaven... If I make it there. HEHE.