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That was how he managed to persuade her to remove her shorts, leaving her in only her pink panties. As he slowly traced his tongue down from her breasts to her stomach, he began to massage her breasts with his hands. Her moans were becoming louder, and it was evident that she was enjoying what Joon was doing to her. Kathy commented, "Hmm... Joon doesn't seem very experienced. Either Elizabeth is pretending, or she's so innocent that whatever he's doing is enough to arouse her. Darling, you could easily seduce her once you get your hands on her."

"Thanks, honey," James responded with a smirk.

I was astounded by how open James and Kathy were. They were clearly a very sexual couple. As the last remnants of my conscience had by now disappeared, I began to wonder if one day I would be able to sleep with Kathy as well. I would likely have the full support of James.

Joon returned to kissing Elizabeth passionately while allowing his hands to roam freely over her body. He began to grab her buttocks, and slowly but firmly knead them, causing Elizabeth to squirm and sigh with pleasure. Then he started to stroke her pussy from outside her panties. Immediately, her hands reached out to grab him but quickly loosened under the assault from Joon's hands. She likely reasoned that as long as he didn't remove her panties, she was "safe". After a few minutes, he began to reach into her panties, eliciting a soft moan of protest from her lips.

"Darling, don't," she whispered, "Not until we're married, remember?"

"Don't worry, baby. I'm just touching you only since it makes you feel so good. I won't do anything else."

Elizabeth nodded, closing her eyes once more and arching her back as Joon found her pleasure spot. I noticed that she doesn't really moan out loud, instead, she sighs and gasps with pleasure every time Joon hits her sweet spots. It was such an innocent reaction that even James commented, "Well, I'm pretty sure she's still a virgin. Damn, Joon is one lucky bastard. If I were to take her now, I'd either lose Joon as a friend forever if he found out, or he'd dump her if she didn't keep our secret. Hopefully, she keeps quiet and becomes a casual partner from now on."

Joon himself was becoming increasingly aroused by Elizabeth, and he began to grind his groin against hers. Each time his erection made contact with her crotch, she would gasp, whispering, "You're so hard." Joon grunted in agreement, asking, "Would you like to touch it?" Elizabeth squealed, retorting, "Don't be gross. We agreed not to do anything until after we were married. I've already let you do almost everything else. Don't push it."

Joon reluctantly stopped pushing her but contented himself with continuing to finger her pussy, taking pleasure in seeing her respond to his every touch as if he were a sex god. He began to push his own pants down, and before long, both of them were clad only in their underwear. He resumed his assault on Elizabeth's crotch, letting his engorged penis push at her vaginal entrance, even though they were separated by their undergarments.

She responded to his aggression with louder gasps, her eyes suddenly wide open at the feel of her boyfriend's penis. As he tried once more to pull down her panties, she sat up firmly and said to Joon, "Darling, we need to stop before we lose control." To Joon's credit, he simply gave in to her, and they both stopped their make-out session.

I have no idea how he managed to control himself because I surely would have been unable to do so. James echoed the same sentiment, saying, "Joon must really be a superman. I never knew he could play the part of being a good boy so well. Guess he figured that if he wants to marry Elizabeth, he's got to maintain this good-boy facade for a while longer."

He turned to me and said, "Well buddy, that's the end of the movie, hope you've enjoyed the show. Too bad for you, I won't be letting you have a copy of this DVD. This stuff is too hot for your innocent brain. I wouldn't want to corrupt you by leaving it around for you to wank off all day long." He knew that he had trapped me with those words. I would have to beg him to give me the DVD, which in turn would make me lose all credibility to protect Elizabeth from his advances.

I would become his accomplice, and I was still too proud to do that. With a smirk, he and Kathy both got off the couch and then removed the DVD from the player. "See you this weekend, lover boy," Kathy breathed at me before they left. In a way, I didn't need the DVD. The sight of Elizabeth had been deeply imprinted in my mind. The fact that I didn't have the DVD only made the memory even more vivid and served to enhance my desire for her even more.

That weekend afternoon, Joon arranged for all of us to go to his house to chill. I was very excited by the prospect of seeing Elizabeth again. The last time around, because of what happened, I didn't even get to ask for her phone number. This time, I figured that since she would probably avoid James, I would have a fair chance to chat with her and ask for her number.

We arranged to meet at 12.30 pm for lunch. I arrived around noon and discovered that James and Kathy had already arrived. Joon mentioned he had ordered pizza, so we were simply waiting for its arrival. Elizabeth arrived shortly after me. She donned a white dress with floral prints, which ended just below her knees, showcasing her slim yet perfectly sculpted calves.

The dress had a modest round-neck collar, designed to be conservative, yet it was sleeveless. Her snow-white smooth arms radiated her youth and vitality. Her hair was neatly tied back with a plain black rubber band, providing a clear view of her soft round cheeks and the ears which Joon had been nibbling the other night.

The moment she appeared, I couldn't help but recall the images of her in the shower, as well as the video of her and Joon passionately kissing in their room. Upon entering the house, she noticed James and Kathy on one side of the room, offered them a brief smile, then sauntered over to the other side of the room where I was. James wore an annoyingly smug smile as he observed the scene.

I didn't care. My only desire was to converse more with Elizabeth. We engaged in a brief chat, then Joon announced that the pizza delivery would be delayed. Since there was still time, he decided to go out and fetch some drinks. The supermarket was just a ten-minute walk away. A quick mental calculation told me that I would have Elizabeth to myself for nearly 30 minutes since she was clearly not going to engage with James.

I accompanied Joon to the front gate of his house, as I wanted to ask him to help me purchase some air fresheners for my car, and wanted to show him the specific one I used. After that, I returned to the house, pondering how I should ask Elizabeth for her phone number.

Upon entering the house, I was met with the sight of Elizabeth on the couch, writhing under James's body. He had his hands over her mouth, and he was leering at her maliciously. "Keep quiet, Lizzie. We wouldn't want the neighbors to hear about this. What would Joon think of his girlfriend if I told him that you tried to seduce me the moment he left the house?"

As he removed his hands from her mouth, she gave him a look of sheer desperation, "James, let me go. Please don't do this. I won't tell Joon anything, just let me get up."

I was taken aback by James's audacity to do something like this. As I began to intervene, Kathy halted me and warned, "Stay out of this, or else we'll tell Joon that you and Lizzie were the ones making out and we caught you." She then whispered to me out of earshot, "I'm sure you would prefer a real live show instead of the DVD you watched that day."

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