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"Chris!" I heard Elizabeth call from the kitchen. I had been so engrossed in my thoughts that I hadn't been paying attention to my surroundings. Snapping back to reality, I made my way over to Elizabeth. "Were you sleeping? I called you at least four times."

"Sorry, dear, I kind of dozed off. I didn't sleep well last night," I lied.

"Must be the exertions from last night at my place," I cheekily whispered in her ear. She turned around and gave me a mock glare, "You better behave yourself at my place. Otherwise, my sister won't like you." I raised my hands in mock surrender and said, "Okay, okay, I'll be a good boy."

Simultaneously, I found myself thinking, "This implies that Xiu Ling also takes matters of sex very seriously. She might even be a virgin." However, I quickly dismissed the thought. There was no way someone as attractive as her, who flaunted her body so openly, could remain a virgin, especially when she was in a relationship.

Xiu Ling left the house around evening, as her boyfriend was meeting her for a shopping trip. Since their parents usually came home late, it meant that I finally had some alone time with Elizabeth. By now, making out had become a regular occurrence, so it didn't take me long to ask her what her bed felt like. She giggled and scolded me for always thinking about sex. I told her that she was to blame for turning me into a sex-deprived maniac. We went through a few rounds of blaming each other before I grabbed her and tossed her onto the bed.

Our clothes came off quickly, and I began my favorite act of playing with her breasts. But I suddenly found myself picturing her breasts as the large, milky globes that Xiu Ling had, and I grasped at them ferociously. I must have gotten carried away because Elizabeth suddenly gasped, "Darling, it's painful. Be gentle."

As I apologized, she smiled and said, "You seem very passionate tonight. Have you been deprived for too long?" She didn't realize that I had been fantasizing about her sister, and I found the whole situation incredibly arousing. Here I was, for the first time, in Elizabeth's bed, both of us nearly naked, and I was picturing what it would be like if I were in the next bed, with the girl next door.

But of course, I'd never tell her that. Instead, I told her how wonderful it was to finally spend time in her bed, and how pleasant it smelled. All of it was true, and I believe that must have heightened my senses, but the fact remained that I was primarily aroused by the depravity of my thoughts. What a fool I was. Here I was, with the best thing that had ever happened to me, and I was still not satisfied.

I tried to convince myself that my lust was normal since any man would have been aroused by the sight of Xiu Ling. She had a bright smile, was very friendly, and her voice had a slightly hoarse but girly tone, which made her incredibly sexy, especially when paired with her curvy figure. I once again began to kiss Elizabeth, enjoying the feel of her smooth and slim figure, and started to wonder how Xiu Ling, with her more voluptuous figure, would feel.

As I heard Elizabeth sigh with pleasure, I wondered how Xiu Ling would sound with her sexy voice, and when I had Elizabeth under my body, squirming under my control, I wondered how Xiu Ling would look when she was in heat. I realized that I had become increasingly frustrated during our make-out sessions since I seemed unable to make any progress with Elizabeth.

It appeared that after a while, we had hit a wall, and I was unable to take things any further. Perhaps that's why I had so quickly shifted my attention to Xiu Ling, who was refreshing, mysterious, so close yet so far. By comparison, Elizabeth had become familiar and lacked a sense of novelty in our interactions. She was still amazing, and I cared deeply for her. But the fool in me craved more and something different.

I went home, feeling unsatisfied, and looked at the pictures of Elizabeth in the shower that James had sent me before. I browsed through them, thinking to myself, "I used to be so aroused by the mere thought of these pictures. Now I can look at them, and I don't even get an erection. I guess that's what happens with married couples after a while. No wonder people have affairs."

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