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That night, as I tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep, my phone suddenly beeped, "Hi, Elizabeth here. Hope I didn't wake you, are you free to talk?"

With a pounding heart, I dialed her number, doing my best to maintain an even tone. "Hi, this is Chris, are you okay?"

"I guess not. I needed someone to talk to, and obviously, I can't tell Joon anything about what happened. He just dropped me off at home, and I got your phone number from him while in the car. Did I wake you?"

I quickly assured her that she could call me anytime and that I was still awake.

"Elizabeth, listen... I'm sorry I didn't do anything to stop James this afternoon. I was too shocked, and I was also afraid of what Kathy threatened to do. But now, I realize that it was the wrong decision to make. I should have stopped them, even if Joon found out and things got ugly. I should have protected you better," I apologized to her, my words tumbling over themselves.

"No, I need to be stronger myself. I can't have you protecting me all the time. You're not even my boyfriend. Actually, I was angry with Joon for leaving me alone, but I guess he doesn't know what a snake James is." She paused, then hesitantly asked, "Are you free to come out? I don't really want to be cooped up at home, and I don't want to be out alone tonight."

I jumped at the chance, and despite her repeated question of whether it was alright with me, I got dressed and drove off to her place. It turns out she lived in Bishan, quite near me since I lived in Ang Mo Kio.

We naturally ended up in Bishan Park, where there was a big pond. It was past midnight by now, and we ended up sitting down by the water. She was very quiet and didn't really want to talk. Not wanting to disturb her, I just sat quietly by her side. I would occasionally steal glances at her, hoping she wouldn't catch me staring. She was dressed in a casual t-shirt and shorts, and in the moonlight, she had a look of such vulnerability tonight that even though I wished I could be like James, I couldn't bring myself to touch her the way he did.

I heard a small sniff come from her and realized that she was crying. She must again be reliving the afternoon, and what happened. I reached into my pocket and gave her a pack of tissue. She gave me a wane smile and again sank back into her reverie. I was content to just sit beside her, and bask in the knowledge that she found me comforting, and trusted me. She had absolutely no idea how much of an animal I also was. I loved the fact that I was in a position to really manipulate her, but also hated myself for even thinking that way about such a perfect angel.

As I was getting lost in my own thoughts, she suddenly turned to me and asked me, "Chris, do you like me?"

I was totally stunned by her question, and stammered, "Wha... Wha... what're you talking about?"

"I just want an honest answer out of you." She didn't look angry or confrontational but merely was searching my eyes for some answers. I sensed that she needed an honest answer to know that she can trust me. So I very meekly looked at her and said, "You're Joon's girlfriend."

"That's not what I asked you." She pointed out.

"Okay, if you want an honest answer, yes, I do. You're pretty, you're friendly, and I feel that we get along. If I had met you somewhere else and you were single, I would be crazy about you. But please don't misunderstand me. I care about you as a friend, but I respect the fact that you're Joon's girlfriend, and I also treasure his friendship. I would never come between you and him," I quickly confessed. "Besides, I doubt someone as wonderful as you would ever like someone like me," I lamely added.

She gave a weak smile at my words and said, "Thanks for your honesty, Chris. It's one thing that I really value. And I know you won't betray Joon. That's one of the reasons why I also trust you so much. You are a loyal friend, and even though we've known each other for a very short time, I also feel we have what it takes to have a great friendship." We were sitting side by side, both facing the big pond.

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