I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm Kitten: Chapter 1

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"What the hell are we supposed to do now?" A tall, thin woman with deep auburn hair demanded angrily.

"I don't know," sighed her raven haired, bespectacled husband. "This was not part of the plan."

"You had better fix this, James, or I swear to Merlin, you will wish that was you on that floor!" She snapped, pointing at the pile of ashes across the room.

"Lils, this was not my fault!" He said, just as angry. "You think I wanted to keep the blasted beast? Why else would I have made Wormtail the secret keeper? He was supposed to die! That's not my fault!"

"What if we just sent it away?" She asked hopefully. "No one has to know that it lived! We can just say-"

James held up his hand. "Auror or not, I can't go around obliviating the nine bloody people that have seen him! Obliviates can be broken if someone gets suspicious. Besides, you know that Aurors have to undergo regular health screenings, and they will be broken by the goblins."

As the couple debated on what to do about their... problem, their suggestions grew more outlandish and mental than the last. At first, they wanted to send the beast to her awful muggle sister to deal with. That was impossible. If word got out that they sent that one away, then people would begin to talk. From there, things really started veering far away from anything even remotely sane. For a while they debated on killing him outright and replacing him with a golem spelled to look exactly the same. That was only a temporary solution, so it was out. They even considered giving the little freak a slow acting poison over several years so that it would just look like a sickly child, who would eventually die of 'natural causes'. The problem with that would be finding someone they could trust well enough to both make such a thing, as well as a healer to confirm that there was no foul play.

In the end, their tempers settled and they realized that they would have to keep it, but there was nothing in this world that could make them like it.

All the while, a little boy with a full head of black hair and startling green eyes watched them. He didn't understand their words, but he felt their anger. It was scary. They were nice to Jayby, but not nice to Habby. Habby didn't know why.

But he would get used to it.


It took several months of hearing them talk, never to him, to realize that his brothers' name was not Jayby, but Jamie. Mama and dada talked to Jamie all the time. Habby wondered why they didn't talk to him. It hurt Habby, though it didn't seem to bother anyone else.

Then, after a while, Habby wasn't allowed to see Jamie anymore. He didn't really see anyone anymore.

When Boy, no longer Habby, turned three, he was moved from his nursery to his bedroom. Jamie's moving was cause for celebration, because he was a big boy now. Boy was sent to his new room with a cardboard box of bedding and left alone.

Jamie's new big boy room was on the second floor, near his mum and dad's. Boy's room was on the fourth floor where the house elves used to sleep before mum made dad get rid of them.

Mum didn't know that dad still had one, and just kept it a secret. It was how Boy was fed. Once per day, usually, a tray of food would pop into existence, then pop out an hour or so later.

Boy didn't mind not going to the party for Jamie. He didn't like being ignored, and this way he was alone, but not ignored in person. It was better that way.

When Boy turned five, Sir, no longer dad, hit him for the first time. Ma'am, no longer mum, never said a word. She did, however, smirk at the action. They said Boy deserved it. Boy should not be asking for things, especially tutors like Jamie had. Boy would never need to know the things that Jamie did.

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