Chapter 22 - Pt.2

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The first few days of classes went pretty well. Koty's first Mastery lesson in Charms had been strange, but fun. Professor Flitwick spent the first lesson pointing at random objects all over the room, and telling Koty to make the objects do something. As the charms he was meant to use were from all seven years, it was no easy feat to decide which spell worked for which object. For his first goal, he had been assigned with figuring out why the same spells reacted differently on different items. While Koty had no idea why the dancing charm he'd used on the test dummy made it do the macarena, but the same charm made a statue perform the Charleston, he was excited to figure it out.

As the weekend drew to a close, Koty grew uneasy with his upcoming Defence class. On the upside, his only other classes for Monday were Care of Magical Creatures and another four-hour block for his Rune apprenticeship. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

Koty smiled when he saw Taylor happily chatting with a couple of Hufflepuffs, all on their way to the Great Hall for lunch. As it was Sunday, they were all in plain clothes, making Koty wonder if Taylor was a muggleborn.

The boy wore a pair of durable looking dark blue trousers and an odd shirt with 'QUEEN Bohemian Rhapsody' emblazoned on the front.

"...later, okay?" Taylor was saying as his new friends waved and scurried off.

"Hey!" Koty said with a grin. "Looks like you're branching out. That's great!"

"Leo, Bronwyn and Evan are awesome!" Taylor gushed. "We started talking in Herbology, and found out that we like loads of the same music and films!"

"Is that from a film, then?" Koty asked, pointing at his shirt.

Taylor's eyes widened in shock. "You've never heard of Queen? Freddy Mercury?"

Koty shook his head as they went to sit at the Ravenclaw table.

"Unbelievable!" Taylor cried. "Queen is the best!"
Koty was going to ask about it, but stopped when he noticed a lot of students whispering in groups. "What's going on?"

"I'm surprised you hadn't heard yet, Kitten," Penny said, sipping from a water goblet. "Trelawney is at it again."

"Ugh," Koty groaned. "Who is supposedly dying this year?"

"No one specific, surprisingly enough," Olive said, rolling her eyes. "She's saying that a monster is going to be set loose, and loads of people are going to be hurt before it's eventually killed. What rubbish."

"She's just trying to get a rise out of the third years again," Amelia added in annoyance. "Just like every year. Who was it that was supposedly going to bite it last year?"

"I think it was one of the Hufflepuff house team," Koty said, brow furrowed. "Declan or Cedric, but I can't remember which one."

"But they didn't... you know, die?" Taylor asked nervously.

"Nah," Olive replied with a shake of her head, pointing to the Puff's in question. "They're both alive and well, chatting up any girl who smiles at them."

Koty snorted. "Be fair, Cedric is really nice." He didn't have any interactions with Declan, but he did seem like a flirt. A harmless flirt, but a flirt nonetheless.

The next day, Koty packed up the books he needed for Care, Defence and Runes. He was anxious about all of them, but for different reasons. Runes was going to be the first step in the adventure toward his Mastery, which would be undoubtedly exciting. Care of Magical Creatures was a fascinating subject, and he was thrilled at all of the possible creatures he would encounter! Defence was another matter altogether. Throughout the last few days, more and more people were complaining about the professor being a useless egotist. Not many of the girls complained outside of Ravenclaw though. Strange.

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