Chapter 27 - pt 2

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So sorry I don't keep up with my own damn emails but this dropped the other day. Shoutout to fucking @MaxCroft13 For adding this to THIRTEEN DIFFERENT FUCKING LISTS HOW THE F-

Unfortunately, Fred was still sleeping when they went to the hospital wing. That didn't stop the group from leaving little get-well trinkets. The older girls left sweets and cards, Luna placed a crown of flowers on his head, George made his hospital gown turn dark green with bright yellow duckies all over it, and Koty was the last to leave a gift, but he had to make sure Madam Pomfrey was there, so it wouldn't be tossed in the bin.

Under her watchful eye, Koty transfigured a roll of parchment into a perfectly sanitary toilet seat that read 'GET WELL SOON' along the curve. Just to be silly, he added some goofy little hearts, unicorns and rainbows, then hung it on the end of his bed.

As they were leaving, the door pushed open to reveal Hugo, Victor and Auntie Laverne. They were looking toward Fred with a mixture of concern and anger.

"Hello," Luna said, approaching them first. She had been learning sign language to speak with them, and took to it like a kelpie to water. Though they could hear perfectly well, Luna signed as she spoke to make sure the gargoyles could correct her signing as necessary. It wasn't often necessary. "How are you three this morning?"

Koty watched as their hands flew around rapidly, having no idea what was being said, but smiled when Luna giggled.

"Oh, he'll be alright," Luna assured, taking an extra couple of seconds to finish signing. "You will still have time to help place the appropriate charms on the Headmaster's chair before breakfast."

While Hugo seemed thrilled, Victor looked at her with suspicion.

"Don't worry, Victor," Koty said, letting out a huff of amusement. "No one told on you. Luna just... knows things."

Auntie Laverne shook her fist at her companions and began signing rapidly, and had apparently changed topics at some point, as Luna had to interject. Whilst frowning. Luna didn't frown.

"What's wrong?" Koty asked, sliding up next to the almost-veela.

"They're worried," she replied wearily, as she finished signing.

When she said no more, Koty simply took it as something he wasn't supposed to know yet and left it at that.

After a while, the group was shooed out of the infirmary, and they all headed back to their dorms. As the only Gryffindor, George was to head back alone, but the gargoyles escorted him, and Professor Flitwick showed up to walk Koty to their rooms.

"I ran into Severus earlier this afternoon," the professor said conversationally, turning the corner to reach the 'empty' corridor that held their room.

"Oh?" Koty prompted curiously.

"Yes, and we spoke about your last flying incident."

"Oh," he replied, nose scrunching in embarrassment.

Professor Flitwick chuckled. "It wasn't all bad, Mr. Malfoy," he said, stopping near the entrance. "If you had been properly supervised, your mate would have likely grumbled about not being present, but ultimately unbothered."

Koty's brows rose, but he said nothing.

"Would you like to try?" The man asked, pointing toward their elevated door. "Provided you are appropriately stretched and warmed up, of course."

As soon as Koty nodded, the pair began layering cushioning charm after cushioning charm all over the corridor, to the point that they both had to readjust their stances, just to keep steady.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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