Chapter 23 - Pt.2

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Koty was left gaping at the sight before him. Gone were the tables and benches, and a massive platform took the place of the staff table.

Lockhart was there, smiling widely at the students who had already been admitted.

There were only a few dozen so far, leading Koty to wonder how many students would be turned away for not handing in their assignments.

Half an hour later, just three minutes to eight, he got his answer. Every single Slytherin and all but a few of the Ravenclaws were seated. Well over half of Hufflepuff was there, but only about a quarter of Gryffindor was in attendance.

Severus approached the centre of the platform and raised his hand in a call for silence. "After a brief explanation of the rules, the duel will commence."

Cheers rang out, and Lockhart strutted around the platform like a peacock.

"First and foremost," Sev began, pleased at the decorum being displayed by all of the houses. "This is an honour duel. As such, an agreement must be made before the first spell is cast, lest the offending party immediately be disqualified. Gentlemen, please state your terms. The challenger will make his request first. Lockhart, if you would."

Grinning as if posing for invisible cameras, Lockhart strutted front and centre, every movement an exaggerated flourish. "Should I be victorious," he paused to chuckle, as if it were the most ridiculous thing to assume he would not be the victor. "My opponent shall recuse himself from his current placement and take the age-appropriate defence class with the second years."

That spurned more than a hundred simultaneous conversations at once, including some of the professors.

"Mr. Malfoy," Severus said flatly, though Koty could see the barest hint of a smile flash across his face. "Do you accept these terms?"

Koty hesitated. While his spells were good, he had never actually duelled anyone before! But what could he do about it at this point? He cleared his throat. "I accept the challenger's terms."

"And your own?" Sev asked, smirking openly.

At that, he thought for a moment. He'd come up with several options, but he knew which to offer. "If I am victorious, you will refund every student the cost of the ridiculous books you forced them to purchase to bolster your own book sales."

"How dare you?!" Lockhart bellowed, becoming red in the face.

"Do you accept the terms?" Severus prompted.

Looking around the room, Lockhart seemed to remember that he was surrounded by adoring fans. "Of course," he eventually said, flashing another grin at the crowd.

"The terms have been agreed upon!" Sev proclaimed. "Next will be the rules. As always, there will be no Unforgivables. No permanent damage to your opponent. Beyond this, any rules put forth must be agreed upon by both parties."

"No spells above the neck," was Lockhart's immediate response.

Rolling his eyes at the sheer level of vanity, he gestured to Koty to speak.

"I will agree, but with an amendment," Koty nodded, thinking how easy of a target his leg was. "No legs either."

"Agreed," Lockhart said. A flash of magic cemented the rule. "No creature abilities. Wand magic only."

"Agreed. No outside involvement." Another flash.

"Agreed. I have no further requirements." One final flash.

"I have no further requirements." Koty parroted, almost surprised that Lockhart followed the guidelines of propriety of an honour duel, despite appearing to have little to no knowledge of the subject in class earlier that day.

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