A kitten and a Snake: Chapter 1 - Pt.2

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Koty Malfoy (used to be Harry Potter) is getting settled into his new life as the younger son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. And he's loving it! With his new family comes happiness, pureblood culture, fascinating new faces and mysteries. How will Koty fare when one of those mysteries falls into the hands of James Potter and inadvertently, Jamie?

"So, Koty," Narcissa prompted, patting the corners of her mouth with a napkin. "Which was your favourite?"

Koty paused, humming in thought. "All of them!" He cried happily. Even Bear had tried a few pet-friendly options and had been pleased.

Draco snorted, rolling his eyes. "Even that one you spit out?"

"I didn't spit it out," he mumbled. "I just didn't finish the bite." He really couldn't be held responsible for that though. Who thinks mixing rum raisin and mint is a good idea?

"Well, if you don't have a favourite, I suppose we can't pick some up to keep at the house..." Narcissa stood and sighed. "Oh, well."

Draco, always up for more ice cream, elbowed Koty. "You'd better hurry up and pick," he whispered. "She really will leave without any."

Narcissa bit her cheek to keep from laughing at the lie. If Draco was well behaved, there wasn't much that she wouldn't get for him. It was only when he misbehaved that she refused to buy him something. She internally cooed at the adorable way Koty's nose scrunched when he was deep in thought.

"The pineapple one!" He finally declared with a smile.

"That's not even ice cream!" Draco said, scandalised. "It's just frozen pineapple mush!"

Koty frowned at that.

"It is Italian ice," she corrected calmly. "Not mush. Besides, I quite like that one too." She winked at Koty, whose frown dissipated immediately.

From there, she bought a gallon tub of the pineapple, the chocolate death that Draco favoured, and one of something called 'blondie chunk' for Lucius. "He refuses to buy it himself because of the silly name," she told the boys, who laughed. "He thinks it isn't dignified."

"What is it?" Draco asked, thinking it had a dumb name too.

"Caramel ice cream with bits of blondies mixed in!" The man behind the counter said happily. "They're just brownies made without chocolate."

When they left, Narcissa called an elf to take the order back to the manor, while Draco bemoaned the pointlessness of brownies that had no chocolate in them.

Koty held his mum's hand through the alley, feeling no shame. Draco on the other hand, refused as he was too old and mature to do so. Since his wings were glamoured once more, he had to be extra careful not to knock into anything as they explored a few shops.

"Mother," Draco said formally, eyeing the storefronts. "As Koty is a Malfoy now, he can't be seen with outdated belongings, correct?"

"Of course not, sweetheart," Narcissa said immediately, wondering what her eldest was getting at. "Is there something you need, Kitten?"

Wracking his brain, Koty shrugged while shaking his head. "Nothing I can think of..." He had books and clothes and school equipment and all of the fun things he'd been gifted by his friends. What else could he possibly need?

"Mother, Koty is the crown jewel of the quidditch team, and he is stuck on those death traps that the school has the audacity to call brooms!" Draco said passionately. "Uncle Sev has already won ten galleons from the other professors, and if the rickety brooms begin to fail, then he might not have enough coin for Yule gifts. As we already know, the professors are paid a pittance, so interrupting his monetary flow would be tragic. Don't you agree?"

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