Chapter 4 - Pt.2

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Koty was reading an amusing story about a thirteen year old boy who was a magician at a muggle carnival, when Noddy popped in. "Hi, Noddy. How are you?" He tried not to talk to them too much, but he liked them, so his attempts were futile at best.

"Noddy be's very good, Little Master Kitten. Master Lordy Malfoy be's sending Noddy to tell yous to come to the floo room right aways!" Noddy was bouncing slightly and her fingers were tapping her bony legs.

Why was she acting almost like Dobby? "Are you alright? You seem... more excitable than normal."

"Oh yes, Noddy being happy, Little Master!" She beckoned him. "Now Little Master Kitten must go to the floo room!"

"Okay," he said, letting out a short laugh. "I'll be right down."

With this particular library being on the third floor, rather than the first like the main library, it took him a few minutes to reach his destination.

"Hi, Daddy," Koty said happily, hugging the blond man. "Noddy said you wanted me?"

"Always," he replied, smiling. "I remembered two things that you needed for your party tonight, so I went and picked them up."

Koty cocked his head to the side. What could he have forgotten? He went over everything with his mum. He highly doubted she would have forgotten anything. His mum loved throwing parties, so it didn't make sense. "What is it?"

A sudden movement behind the settee caught Koty off guard, but the identical redheads that popped out from behind it made up for it and then some!

"Us!" They said, bowing dramatically.

Koty rushed over to his decidedly odd friends and hugged them both tightly, his walking stick clattering to the polished marble. "How? Your mum said-"

"We know what she said, Kitten." Fred frowned.

"Yep," George agreed. "And she's under the impression that we're being punished for something and were sent off to spend time with dear old Auntie Muriel."

At that, both twins shuddered in faux fear.

"But you're going to get into trouble!" Koty cried. He didn't want his friends to get into trouble over him! "You really will be sent to Dame Prewett!" Why in Merlin's name were they putting up with having him as a friend? It kept getting them into trouble, so why risk it? Especially now that they were lying to their mother to see him. While he adored having them in his life, he would rather they be able to keep the peace with their mother.

"No we won't," Fred said, picking him up and putting him on George's back. "And do you want to know why?"

Sighing sadly, Koty nodded and adjusted his grip. He loved the twins, but how were they going to get away with this? What if their mother fire called Muriel?

"We can tell you, but it's a secret, okay?" George said quietly, as if scanning the room for eavesdroppers. "Mum is terrified of Auntie Muriel. More than any of us. We actually like her, but there is absolutely no chance mum will try to get in touch for any reason. Besides, we aren't the ones who came up with the li-er, deception."

"Who did, then?" Lies only hurt people, and if their mother ever found out, the twins might get hurt. Especially if that day at the platform was any indication.

"Our dad!" They proclaimed cheerfully.

"He gets on pretty well with our old Auntie, and she's in on it too." Fred ruffled Koty's hair, beaming.

Koty looked at his father with worried eyes. "Daddy, are you sure this is okay?"

Lucius could have slapped himself. He knew what Koty was thinking. "Frederick, George?"

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