Chapter 25 - Pt.2

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Koty sat atop Bear's back as the wyhound loped down the winding path toward Hagrid's hut. He was excited for the class for more than one reason, and the first of which was that this was the class that he would finally spend with people closer to his own age! Sure, they were a year older, but it was a much smaller gap than the rest of his classmates.

When he slid off his doggy's back, Bear trotted over to Hagrid and gave him a slobbery kiss.

Rather than push him away, which most people would have done, Hagrid simply laughed and kissed the top of his head. "Gather 'round, gather 'round!" He called out, wiping away the excessive slobber with a massive hand. "We got an excitin' class fer yeh today."

As they all surrounded the man, he let out a loud 'ta-da!' and out walked Calliope, Callista and Clio.

Koty wasted no time in rushing over, hugging Clio who was nearest, and the happiest to see him, nuzzling and kissing him all over. "You're still here!"

He looked up in shock when they began growling. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Stupid human children, charging toward ferocious beasts!"

Hagrid promptly walked up and picked two kids up by the back of their robes and deposited them back with the rest of the class. "Lesson number one!" He said, clearly annoyed. "Never approach an unfamiliar animal! Five points from Gryffindor!"

"Then what's Malfoy doing with it?" One student shouted out.

"What's wrong with it?" Another student called out from the back of the room.

Callista snarled at that, and Koty was far from impressed.

"Lesson number two!" Hagrid called out. "Never insult a magical animal. They migh' know more'n they let on. Koty Malfoy, I'll let yeh answer tha' very rude question, them bein' yers an' all."

"They are females, not an 'it'. And they were kept in captivity, so the muscles in their back legs atrophied. There's nothing wrong with them. They're absolutely perfect!" Koty received plenty of nuzzles for that.

At least no one whined about not being able to get close.

"Now," Hagrid said, clapping his hands together. "Who can tell me summat abou' this beautiful animal? Go on, then. You in the back."

"That's a Cerberus!"

"One point fer Hufflepuff! Who's next? Don' be shy!" He beamed and pointed at a Slytherin. "You're next."

The Slytherin looked vaguely familiar, but Koty had no idea who she was. "They're fantastic swimmers."

"Take a point fer yerself!" He said happily.

For a few minutes, during which Hufflepuff gained two points, Ravenclaw got three and Slytherin got two more, the students soaked up a truly enthralling lesson.

Every single time someone said something complimentary, Callista preened. Calliope nudged her whenever she did it too often. Clio was all too happy to lavish all of her attention on Koty, who didn't mind at all, though he made sure to give the others plenty of pets.

Just before the end of class, one student, a tall boy with black hair in yellow trimmed robes, waved his hand in the air. "I don't know who to ask, but can I please pet them?!"

Koty giggled and Hagrid laughed loudly.

"Well, Little Mite?" Hagrid asked, giving a shrug. "Wha' do they say?"

Calliope and Clio were fine with it, but Callista adamantly refused.

Koty waved the boy over and warned him off touching Callista. "She doesn't like many people, but the others do."

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