Chapter 11 - Pt.2

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Stretching his back, Koty would not admit that he probably looked like a waking kitten. It was his namesake, so he didn't mind overmuch, but he wasn't going to admit it.

His nose scrunched as he noticed how awful his dry mouth tasted, and slid off the bed to use the loo. It wasn't until he'd used the toilet and was halfway through brushing his teeth that he remembered what had happened the night before. He spit the toothpaste in the sink and hurried to the room Sev was given.

It was not too far from his own room, for which Koty was grateful. It kept his rushed hobbling to a minimum.

When he pushed open the large doors, he froze in shock.

Every inch of the room was covered in ice. How had this happened?! Better yet, what had happened here?

His breath cast an icy fog and inhaling left him feeling as though his lungs had formed ice crystals. The bone-seeping cold made Koty regret walking inside, but he had to Sev out of here! He opened his mouth to call out to the (hopefully) sleeping man, but the shock of such frigid air left him hacking and stumbling back out of the room.

Once he felt the warmth of the corridor, he leaned against the wall and coughed a few more times.

What was he supposed to do? Sev was stuck in a veritable ice palace, and Koty couldn't breathe well enough to get to him!

His mum would know what to do! She was brilliant!

With that thought firmly in place, Koty hurried down the corridor.

And promptly crashed into someone rounding the corner.

"Whoa, take it easy!" A booming voice said, chuckling a bit as he helped Koty stay on his feet. "Oh, hey! You're the newest and littlest Malfoy, aren't you?"

"Yes," he replied absently, not even looking up at the man. "Please excuse me. I have to find my mother!"

"Hey, calm down. Where's the fire?"

"It isn't fire, it's ice!" Koty said in frustration. "It's going to kill him!"

The man knelt down to his height, surprised at how distraught the little boy was. "Okay, look at me," the man said kindly. When Koty complied, he continued. "Show me where the ice is, and we'll see if I can handle it, alright?"

But! Koty bit his lip. It didn't matter where the help came from, as long as it came soon. "It's the fourth door on the left. Please hurry!" He pointed down the corridor, and before he could even fully turn around, the man with silvery grey eyes and a mess of shining black curls that reminded him of his mother, was already at Sev's door.

"Holy shit!" The man said, jerking back as he felt the icy blast of air. He stared at the door incredulously before his gaze swept back toward Koty. "Since when do Malfoy's have elemental elves in their bloodline? And who's the right age to come into an inheritance?"

Koty's jaw dropped in shock. "An elemental elf? Are you sure?" He asked, hurrying back toward the door. How did that happen?!

"My brother woke up the same way, right when he was sixteen. Slept in his little 'Fortress of Solitude' for three days, then came out of his room with pointy ears and a penchant for temperature manipulation." He smiled sadly and shook his head. "One time, well, one of the many times I annoyed him, he retaliated by freezing all of my underwear, including the ones I was wearing at the time. Never thought I'd see my pecker turn into a turtle head and retreat insi-" he cut himself off and blinked. "Sorry, too young for that conversation."

Koty didn't care about the man's rambling, too concerned with the health of his mate. "This is all my fault! Are you sure he'll be alright?" He asked, biting his lip. It had to be his fault! What else could have happened? Koty bit him and he fell unconscious, and now he's turning into an elemental elf! There was no other explanation... not that it's a very good one. How does someone with Fae and Vampire blood turn someone into an elf?! It just doesn't make any sense, but there was nothing else it could possibly be.

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