Chapter 14 - Pt.2

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Koty was pacing. His first tea visit with Lady Prewett was set to begin in an hour, and he was a bit of a mess. "What if she's still mad at me for sending back the stationary?"

"You have already apologised, Kitten. There is nothing more to say on the matter." His mother smiled warmly at him, sipping her tea. She'd been watching him pace for well over an hour, and answering his worried questions as they cropped up.

She was right, of course. Having been forgiven, the incident was not likely to be brought up again. "Are you sure you can't come with me?" He asked, only a little fearful.

"The invitation was for you, sweetheart, not for us. You know that it is highly inappropriate and insulting to bring guests to someone else's house without prior consent."

"I know," he replied, sighing. "I just wish I knew what to expect!"

"It's all right, little love," she said, rubbing his back. "The only thing you can do is be your wonderful self."

Koty didn't feel wonderful. In fact, he felt mildly ill at the thought of going to a stranger's house alone. He'd read a story about a girl who was five and was tricked into following someone into the floo. The girl spent so much time with the people, that she was convinced that they were her loving family. After several years, she was found, and refused to go anywhere near her real family, believing that they were the imposters and wanted to kidnap her. Eventually, the girl was sent to Mind Healers, but she never got close to her real family. Koty didn't want that to happen! He loved his family!

Koty stopped. Now he was just being foolish and illogical. He flopped down in his seat, and his mother raised her brow. "Sorry," he said sheepishly, knowing she disliked such 'plebeian behaviour' as flopping.

"You're working yourself into a tizzy, Kitten."

He just groaned loudly and let his head thunk on the back of his chair. "It's not deliberate! I just don't like not knowing what to expect!"

"Well, sweetheart, there's no time like the present to find out." She glanced pointedly at the mantle clock, and much to Koty's dismay, it was just about time to go.

Stepping out of the floo, Koty looked around the impressive receiving room. Everything was done up in elegant shades of royal blue and white, with some silver accents here and there. He easily recognized the Prewett family colours. While it wasn't quite as flamboyant as his own home, which somehow retained a regal sophistication, it was gorgeous!

"Master Koty Malfoy?"

Koty spun around quickly and nearly toppled over, just as Bear made his appearance. "Yes?" Koty said, facing a house elf with a nervous smile.

"Come with Loppy, please," she said, giving a low bow. "Missus is in the sitting room."

With a hesitant nod, he followed the well-spoken elf. Before he knew it, he was guided to a lovely armchair with royal blue upholstery and silver cloth buttons and trim.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Dame Prewett," he said, giving a politely subtle bow.

She nodded in return and gestured for him to sit. Their families were in a similar standing, so it was unnecessary for one to bow lower than the other.

"During these visits, there are three things I will be teaching you." She tapped her walking stick on the marble floor and a tea service appeared on the table between their seats. "First, we will be going over social queues. The Potter's are an abysmally perfect representation of what not to do in any social situation. While the fault is not yours, it leaves you with a distinct disadvantage over your peers. Second, which ties into the first lesson, you will be learning family history. Not any specific House, but rather all of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, including the few lines that have died out. Lastly, I will be teaching you defensive battle magics."

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