Chapter 7

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Yoongi was trying his best to console Hoseok who was still sobbing in his arms, his body trembling with anxiety and fear for the younger members who were abruptly taken from them. It felt like they were waiting for more bad news, since it didn't seem like that the situation would be resolved any time soon. From what he had learned from Sejin and the bodyguard, it seemed that the kidnappers were ruthless and were willing to go as far as killing the members if their wishes were not fulfilled. Wishes that weren't even realistic, he thought...

"We- we have t-to help them, hyung" Hoseok cried while wiping his nose with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. The older one could only hum and pull Hoseok closer to his chest. He completely agreed with the dancer, but he just didn't know how he could help, at least not yet. Sejin and Hejun had made it clear that they needed to stay here, because it would ensure their safety, but Yoongi didn't care much for his own safety.

Why would it matter if he was safe, but the rest of his group were hurt and in danger?

A buzz in his jacket shook him out of his thoughts. Yoongi frowned, but then remembered he had his phone with him all this time! With wide eyes he retrieved one of his arms that had been locked around Hoseok's shaking frame and quickly pulled his phone from the pocket.

[1 new message in:Bangtan group chat]

The rapper heard himself making a confused sound, because how could any of the members send a message in the group chat? Everyone was taken by the kidnappers, or maybe one of them could secretly use their phones? Maybe one of the attackers had send a message?

After a few attempts to unlock his phone because his hands were trembling just as bad as Hoseok, his eyes widened even further when he noticed that the message had come from Seokjin.

Seokjin: [Please let me know if any of you are safe]

Yoongi starred a few more seconds at the message, not believing that his hyung had send it. He had mentally prepared himself that the eldest member had also been taken by the attackers, so his hope wouldn't be crushed once again.

Seokjin: [I'm so worried about you all of you. I'm so sorry this happened}

"Is that hyung?" Hoseok whispered over Yoongi's shoulder. The rapper hummed, not saying anything but his thumbs were hovering over the small keyboard on the phone. He wanted to reply and tell him everything, but he didn't know were to start...

Yoongi: [Hoseok and I are safe hyung]

He typed first, but then stopped again and bit his lip to form the next sentence. But he was already beaten by Seokjin who quickly replied within a heartbeat

Seokjin: [Oh thank god!!!! I'm so relieved to hear from you!]

Seokjin: [Are you okay?]

Seokjin: [Did you get hurt?]

Yoongi: [We're okay, not hurt. W about u?]

Seokjin: [I'm also okay. 4 young girls saved me and Tae]

Yoongi felt his heartbeat speed up at that last comment and looked at Hoseok, who looked as shocked as the older one.

Yoongi: [Tae is with you?!! He is alright?!!!]

Seokjin: [But Tae, he is taken... I'm so sorry, I should have protected him. We saw Namjoon lying on the ground and tried to help him, but Tae was too fast. The attackers were too quick too and got him. They were too strong and Namjoon... Guys, Joonie is badly hurt. I'm so so sorry] and the other two could feel the helplessness of their hyung through the phone

The long reply was coming a little bit later than Yoongi's message, and just like before it felt like someone had punched Yoongi and Hoseok in their stomachs. They knew that Taehyung had been seen on the video that the kidnappers had send, but that small comment of Seokjin made them believe for 10 seconds that Taehyung was safe instead of hurt and captured with strangers.

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