Chapter 9

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Even though the situation at the airport had been resolved with all attackers in custody, chaos still remained clear in the air. Hoseok, Yoongi and Seokjin had been led to one of the company's van so they could ride to the hospital along with a couple of their bodyguards who hadn't been injured, but traffic was awful. First they had to dodge countless police cars and ambulances that arrived and left the airport non-stop, because no doubt that a lot of people were injured and the number of attackers attracted special police forces as well. But once their van was on the road towards the hospital, they were still troubles by traffic since the news of the attack had spread fast and families and friends were trying to reach each other as soon as possible.

So it wasn't a surprise that the hospital was very crowded as well once they had managed to arrive two hours later. The waiting room was filled with crying people as they were all waiting for news of their loved ones, and outside the waiting room more people were consoling each other. Hoseok, Yoongi and Seokjin feared they had to stay in the waiting room as well, just like anyone else, but thankfully despite everything they were allowed to stay in an empty office until they were okay to meet their injured members. For the boys it felt wrong to get a privilege like this, to have a separate room to wait in silence until they would receive more news, but they had failed to notice how heavily guarded their room was. Two bodyguards stood in front of the room, and three more were constantly pacing around the hallway to observe every single person who passed by. Now not only patients or their relatives could be potential next attackers, but also doctors or nurses could potentially be a threat. Nobody could be trusted in the eyes of the bodyguards, because they already felt like they had failed big time today.

"I can't stand this, I need to know how they're doing" Hoseok muttered anxiously as he paced quickly across the room. Yoongi was silently observing the dancer as he sat on the examination table, while his mind was brooding on everything that had happened. Like Hoseok, he was struggling to control himself right now because his nerves felt on fire with stress and anxiety over his members, so he couldn't really figure out how to comfort Hoseok on top of that. But thankfully Seokjin appeared to be the opposite and took over gladly to take care of someone other than himself. So the eldest didn't hesitate to step closer to Hoseok and wrapped him safely in his arms.

"I know Hoseok. I want to know as well, but we need to be patient" Seokjin whispered in his ear while rubbing the younger one's arms in comfort. Hoseok let out a shuddering breath and hiccuped when he inhaled again, but with the help of Seokjin he managed to stop himself from breaking down and crying out loud.

"Jungkook he- he was barely breathing" Hoseok started, but Seokjin shushed him and lead him to one of the chairs next to the desk. "I know, but I need you to stay calm. A doctor can come in any minute now, and Jungkook needs us to be strong. Not only him but also Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin. They all need us so we need to stay calm"

After taking a few controlled but shaky breaths, Hoseok finally lifted his head and looked at Seokjin. The dancer nodded his head and quickly whipped his cheeks dry when a single tear had managed to escape his eyes. Seokjin gave him a tearful smile in return and turned around to check on Yoongi as well. The rapper remained silent, but he had been watching the two with an intense look on his face. It almost looked like Yoongi had shut himself off from his surroundings, and it started to scare Seokjin. But the oldest member felt a little bad that his worry over Yoongi wasn't his top priority right now, since he had four dongsaengs that could be fatally hurt or permanently injured for the rest of their lives.

All they could do right now was wait until a doctor could give them an update.


Almost two hours later the door of the doctor's office finally opened, but to their surprise it wasn't a doctor but their manager Sejin who came to give them an update. After arriving at the hospital, Sejin had left as soon as the three members were safe in the room and they hadn't heard from the man ever since. So the manager quickly apologized for that and told them that he was making sure that Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook would also be protected by bodyguards just like the room they were currently waiting in right now.

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